"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Is anybody raising or knows who is raising Narragansett Turkey poults? Or anyone who would like to sell eggs or swap eggs? I have Holland White Turkey Poults and eggs to trade with or sell, if anyone wants some of those !

I have some Celie, but they are too young to lay right now. I have 8 that I hatched from eggs I purchased from Jim Leopard in Oklahoma: He goes by Oklahoma Heritage Poultry on Facebook, which is the best way to contact him. He has some of the top birds in the country show-wise: His Narragansetts are proven show winners.

Anyway, he may be able to hook you up with some eggs: They are around $3 an egg plus shipping. I know he is still repairing after a tornado a couple weeks ago (lost 2 barns and over 50 chickens in the storm), but maybe he has enough eggs to sell.
Well, I got the bright idea that I would split everyone up into pairs based on color/pattern. Apparently my geese did not like the partners I picked for them, because fertility was TERRIBLE! On top of that, when I did get some fertile eggs I had some odd incubation issues. I would get them all the way to hatch time, and they would usually die after internally or externally pipping. My humidity was right. Temperature was good. I don't know what went wrong

How many of your females were first year layers? What you are experiencing can happen with first year girls, but will improve with the second year layers. Also, what were you feeding the geese and did they have plenty of access to grass?

Fertility from my first year girls was pretty low this season. I put what had to be nearly 100 eggs into the incubators. I have hatched 32 goslings with 20 eggs still incubating. The fertility did get MUCH better toward the 3/4 mark of the season then began declining toward the end again.
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I know what you mean about the bobcats. We were getting hit several times a week here: All in daylight hours. I have only ever lost one animal at night and that was due to a tiny crack under a door and a bird sleeping right by it (crack has been fixed and all doors upgraded).

Anyway, since I got my livestock guardian, Radar, three weeks ago I haven't seen any of the bobcats around. My husband refused to let me get a livestock guardian dog, because it wouldn't be fair to his dogs, so I got the next best thing.

We made a channel 50 feet wide the length of our property between the pastures and the woods and that is where Radar lives. He walks on a lead rope and is very friendly, but has zero tolerance for anything feline or canine. Best hundred dollars I ever spent.

OH I know it. I want one too so bad wished I could run across one for that price, maybe sooner rather than later. I think he would go just well right across the road from my animal loving neighbor. The @$$ (neighbor)and the Jack/Jenny could just make wonderful music together. LOL

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How many of your females were first year layers? What you are experiencing can happen with first year girls, but will improve with the second year layers. Also, what were you feeding the geese and did they have plenty of access to grass?

Fertility from my first year girls was pretty low this season. I put what had to be nearly 100 eggs into the incubators. I have hatched 32 goslings with 20 eggs still incubating. The fertility did get MUCH better toward the 3/4 mark of the season then began declining toward the end again.
Only 1 of my girls was a first year layer. I had them separated into pairs in individual pens. I plan to let them pasture breed and pick their own partners next year. I've had much better fertility results with that method.
Thanks!! I thought so. Just wanted to make sure. Is yours laying yet? Brown or green?

Mine are to young to lay. I'll find out in 2 or3 months. Mine came from a hatchery so I think they will be green, blue, or olive.
The last flock I had from the hatchery laid those colors plus I had one buff Wheaton that laid a soft peachy pink.
OH  I know it. I want one too so bad wished I could run across one for that price, maybe sooner rather than later. I think he would go just well right across the road from my animal loving neighbor. The @$$ (neighbor)and the Jack/Jenny could just make wonderful music together. LOL


There was someone in Shreveport on CL trying to re home one not long ago. Was a pet and the man is now disabled and isn't able to fool with it anymore.
X2. That is the cutest animal. I will NOT let my granddaughter see him or she'll bat those begging eyes at me to get one. Once that happens, I'm a gonner. LOL

BTW, what does Radar do when he sees a predator???

Radar brays a special extended version of his call and runs full speed toward the invader. He is really small: I think he is actually a burro. Anyway, the guy we bought him from needed the back pasture for the goats Radar was there to protect (he had bobcats before Radar). Anyway, they seemed to get along through the fence, but the second he put them in WITH Radar, he charged them and chased them around the pasture all while pitching a fit. They interceded before he hurt the goats.

We let our dogs go to the fence to meet him and he yelled, ran to the fence and started bucking, kicking, and running the fence line till the dogs backed off. Our dogs won't even go near him now. After our goats knocked some sense into them a couple years ago, they got a bit smarter about going near strange bigger animals....lol.

CatDaddy.... I am sure my unfriendly jerk of a neighbor enjoys hearing him yell during the night. The air conditioner at our house is by our bedroom and I can STILL hear Radar over it.
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