"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I seen the resident Fox again yesterday evening. My horses nah and Roster Coburn was yelling his lungs out! Hens were a flying in all directions. I had just picked up my babies had them out grazing lol talking about my 16 chicks 1 turkey & 2 ducks. Thank God the fox did not get anyone. But I getting something to help out with the FOX a friend has a donkey (Jenny) with a baby on her side. She & boyfriend or bring them to my place to stay for the summer. Hope my Horses don't mind, Some horses get along with donkey & some don't. If they don't get along I will be putting up more fence around the pasture because this is no fox fast food restaurant! And my hens or not happy with I didn't let them free range today.
Terri, I read that a monkey escaped from the Alexandria Zoo but he was located and tranquilized. Wonder where he thought he was going.
I saw that too this afternoon -- maybe he was headed to your place!

I am so tired. I worked until 7 tonight, finished my first payroll (for 63 people) had a wonderful 'trainer' --but I am now brain dead & time to go to bed! Good night all
Quote: x2!

And speaking of broody acres, here are a few new additions.

3 peas that hatched Tuesday and Wednesday

Also had poults and keets hatch.

I'm going on record to say that this is the final of any hatching for me for the year. I am exhausted. I can't do any more. Caring for all of the animals is taking a toll on me and I am not getting much sleep. So, I will enjoy the new babies that have hatched and were born. I am still collecting pea eggs to hatch peas for another person but as far as having more babies for me, I can't take on any more responsibilities. This is too much for me.
My hat's off to you. I've wondered how you were keeping up with it all till now. And that's all b4 your day job!!

Your new babies are adorable, even the new Muscovy ducklings LOL!!

Sorry Bonnie got Alice Cooper before you could take action !! I hope you traped her before anything else happened. In her case I think it is best to take care of her because she associates people with food. I'm surprised your neighbor didn't contact you . I think they would know something was going on when the found feathers etc in their yard.
Thanks Ron. That's my plan but I haven't been able to catch her yet. It may have something to do with my dogs doing such a good job with demonstrating how the trap works. I'd keep them in the house but the second I let them out to do their business and let one out of my sight....LOL...silly dogs.

The flock has been locked in their run since the last incident so they're all safe. At this point I'm at a loss on how to catch the rascal.

Beautiful babies! My 5 pea eggs are still going strong. Due to hatch on the 22nd. I hover and sweet talk them daily in hopes that some kind of divine miracles will happen and all 5 will hatch and I'll get a white or two! LOL

My two d'uccle broodies amaze me daily. I kept wondering how Dolly was managing to get all of the eggs over the boards and under herself. Then when she'd sneak out to eat Tanya would get one and move to random spots all over the coop (probably to get away from Dolly). I went out yesterday to check them again as they've stolen so many darned eggs I have no idea when they will hatch. I picked Tanya up slightly and by golly Dolly jumped over and grabbed an egg while I was lifting her! That evil wicked witch of the west tucked that egg under her chin and plopped her fluffy butt right back down in her own nest with it!!!!!
She's a broody hoarder! Needless to say, I took it back and put it under Tanya again. The really amazing part of what's going on with these two is that when I knew they were serious about their egg hatching obsession I started dating the eggs under them. I did for a week thinking that they'd hatch generally in the same time frame. First egg due on the 9th. On Monday I found this scenario:

Wicked Witch of the West Dolly on the left and Tanya Tucker on the right. Would you believe the egg shell was under Dolly yet that baby seemed to know mama was Tanya???

Dolly trying to stop the babe from running around. See the nosy bird outside the door? LOL
.And just for fun I snapped this pic of the 3 I got from mzstre --the basque pair (Tom Peeping Tom and his lady I haven't chosen a name for yet) and the Swedish Flower Cockerel Donald Trump. Guess how he earned that name? LOL

This is my 4 and a half month old blue copper marans cockerel. He is growing into such a beautiful boy. I got my first egg from his girls yesterday! WHOOT WHOOT!!!!!
I laughed my @$$ off reading this!! Love the idea of an Egg Hoarders series - Dolly and Tanya playing lead roles with the peanut gallery, Boss Hog and Donald as supporting cast. I'm sure NatGeo would pick it up. LOL
Seriously though, you have some beautiful birds.

Mine are mixed EE I have lav,paint and black pure Would be better to give them to someone else I have plenty and then a few :)
I am penning up my pyrenees for the weekend and booby trapping every trail they got coming in and out so if their smart they will stay clear of my place this weekend and if not will have pics. Sometimes its good to be a professional trapper lmao Their will be enough stuff set to catch even a nat crossing in
Mike - any ideas on how to eliminate my raccoon problem? Keep in mind I live in the suburbs.

Of course...when one can sit happily on their derrier playing on their iphones and drinking a beer eating all the free food they just bought with our tax money. Why actually work? Pitiful situation this country is in.

And I'd be happy to take some muscovies off your hands, too.
Sad but so true!!
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Boy do I feel like a total ***, I have been joining and watching some of the "auctions" that are going on, on Facebook. A lot of these people know each other personally so right away I felt like the odd one out. i'd asked around about some eggs at first and got a few blah answers so I finally decided to actually bid on one of the guys that I had noticed got a lot of good reviews. Well before I bid him and his friends were chit chatting and going back and forth with funny friendly comments. after I bid....nothing....and I waited....nothing. So I thought maybe I did something wrong or possibly intruded on a friend to friend big idk..so I retracted like a fool! I didn't know I felt stupid really. so I seen they were some more comments about the bid so checked them out and they did mention that some bid and took it off apparently. so I commented that I had felt I did something wrong or intruded and made a joke. then I scrolled down...the admin made a not so nice comment about me retracting. and said I was banned permently. omg I wanted to wanted to cry I know that sounds stupid but I really didn't mean to offend anyone. I just really felt like I was over stepping or I didn't do it right. So now i'm pretty much black balled. I feel soo flippin small right now. and idk why. thanks for reading if you did. just wanted to vent.

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