"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Karma sometimes takes a while, the Sheriff's Department will be quicker. Afterwords I am sure you will get a "poor pity me" followed by "but the world owes me", or something of the like. This is what are being brought up now. At least she was smart (or stupid) enough to put a pin on the phone account. I am sure somewhere they have a recording or memo for when she set that up. I feel bad for your uncle in law.
AT&T has full records of calls being made that say "This is so and so (his name) and I need to blah blah blah" along with the address linked to her home, her name as the online user name, etc. Last I heard from the detective today was that she would be turning herself in. We'll see. For whatever reason -- she didn't realize she may have been having the bills send to her address, but the account was still linked to OUR home phone number from when she lived here. That's how the collection agency found us. *sigh* Idiots make the world go round.
Excellent work on the bench!  I am all for good recycling!

Julie -- I agree 100% on the "gimme" mentality.  I am beyond fed up with it.  Let me share with you all my latest example:

I married my husband 3 years ago.  His previous marriage had lasted 20 years and had ended badly.  I knew when I married him that I was also taking on his 4 kids and grandkids in addition to my own children, as well as his elderly disabled uncle.  NO ONE in the family would take his uncle in...so my husband did.  Ornery?  Yes.  But he has a heart of gold.  Three weeks ago, said uncle received a phone call he didn't understand so he handed the phone to me.  It was a collection agency wanting $1400 dollars for a cell phone bill with AT & T.  Ha!  I immediately knew who to suspect, and was correct.  I carried him down to the local AT&T office with his driver's license for identification (because the account had a lock pin added to it so they wouldn't discuss it over the phone without id).  Low and behold--surely enough for the past 8 years my husband's ex-wife has had this account.  She ran up charges over Christmas and then canceled the account.   My husband called her and she had one excuse after another about why that bill isn't "her responsibility" and she "isn't paying it."  I was raised with a different set of morals -- you get what you earn!  I dragged the poor old man and his oxygen tank to press charges.  Seriously--if the man hadn't sold his portion of family land to my husband then they would be putting a lien on the property until that bill was paid.  What kind of person does this to another defenseless human?  I am waiting for the sheriff's department and/or karma to really give her what she deserves.

Grrrrrrrrrr!!! The other related peeve are people who think it is all about them. I want to scream: IT'S NOT ALWAYS ABOUTYOU! Like the ex-wife who will scream that SHE is the victim and have no consideration that what really happens is she victimized the poor uncle. And while she was at it, she effected and inconvenienced countless others. There, that's my soapbox.
Ok...I know I'm new to chickens. I just got my flock as chicks in April. I feel a little overwhelmed at everything I need to learn, but also excited. I want to know it NOW! My two boys and I love our flock of 15. We are entertained by them daily and love all of the different personalities we see. Even our rooster Harry Larry is a treat! That being said, I stopped with my boys this morning at the Tractor Supply in Covington. They had someone there selling some different breeds of chickens. I was somewhat stunned at what they were selling. These were some pretty sad looking chickens! They looked a pretty long way away from healthy! They had some bloody bald spots and looked about as ragged as I've ever seen. I can't believe that Tractor Supply would have them there. I got the name of the person selling them, because I want to be sure NEVER to purchase anything from them. Granted, my flock is all hatchery, and I'm sure I would never win any sort of contest with them, but they are healthy and happy. I have learned, that any additions I make to my flock, I want to be purchased locally. I told my boys to touch NOTHING and we cleaned our shoes before we got back into the car. I'm done ranting
, I was just very surprised this morning...and not in a good way!
Thanks for letting me vent,
I totally understand the posts about people who have an incredible sense of entitlement! They want something for nothing! People that prey on the older generation and take advantage of them through manipulation are just despicable! And the lying that is going along with it!........my heart is still heavy today because of the same sort of garbage. Ripping these older people off monthly for minimum $700.00. Its astonishing to me that they can sleep at night. And its even harder when the older people pretty much realize it, but they don't follow through with putting their foot down. Its very sad and disheartening. And they truly think they "deserve" it! Frankly I think they are just waiting around for them to kick the bucket so they can get a buck. I hope the "old one" live to be 150 years old! LOL!
Ok...I know I'm new to chickens. I just got my flock as chicks in April. I feel a little overwhelmed at everything I need to learn, but also excited. I want to know it NOW! My two boys and I love our flock of 15. We are entertained by them daily and love all of the different personalities we see. Even our rooster Harry Larry is a treat! That being said, I stopped with my boys this morning at the Tractor Supply in Covington. They had someone there selling some different breeds of chickens. I was somewhat stunned at what they were selling. These were some pretty sad looking chickens! They looked a pretty long way away from healthy! They had some bloody bald spots and looked about as ragged as I've ever seen. I can't believe that Tractor Supply would have them there. I got the name of the person selling them, because I want to be sure NEVER to purchase anything from them. Granted, my flock is all hatchery, and I'm sure I would never win any sort of contest with them, but they are healthy and happy. I have learned, that any additions I make to my flock, I want to be purchased locally. I told my boys to touch NOTHING and we cleaned our shoes before we got back into the car. I'm done ranting
, I was just very surprised this morning...and not in a good way! Thanks for letting me vent, Laurie
Good morning. Welcome to BYC. Good eye at seeing those birds. No need to apologize for the ranting and venting. Heck, I'm probably the #1 ranter and venter on this thread. Lol. Was this someone selling birds outside at Tractor Supply?? Congratulations on your flock of 15. Post pics of your birds if you can.
Good morning. Welcome to BYC. Good eye at seeing those birds. No need to apologize for the ranting and venting. Heck, I'm probably the #1 ranter and venter on this thread. Lol. Was this someone selling birds outside at Tractor Supply??

Congratulations on your flock of 15. Post pics of your birds if you can.
Thanks for the welcome. This person selling the birds said that they were located around Slidell/Pearl River area. It wasn't Tractor Supply directly. Since I'm still learning, I don't often feel "qualified" to comment, or offer suggestions. However, I do know what unhealthy looks like! Plus, as my husband puts it, I'm always up for a good rant! I'll work on the pictures of my "girls" and get them posted...
Excellent work on the bench!  I am all for good recycling!

Julie -- I agree 100% on the "gimme" mentality.  I am beyond fed up with it.  Let me share with you all my latest example:

I married my husband 3 years ago.  His previous marriage had lasted 20 years and had ended badly.  I knew when I married him that I was also taking on his 4 kids and grandkids in addition to my own children, as well as his elderly disabled uncle.  NO ONE in the family would take his uncle in...so my husband did.  Ornery?  Yes.  But he has a heart of gold.  Three weeks ago, said uncle received a phone call he didn't understand so he handed the phone to me.  It was a collection agency wanting $1400 dollars for a cell phone bill with AT & T.  Ha!  I immediately knew who to suspect, and was correct.  I carried him down to the local AT&T office with his driver's license for identification (because the account had a lock pin added to it so they wouldn't discuss it over the phone without id).  Low and behold--surely enough for the past 8 years my husband's ex-wife has had this account.  She ran up charges over Christmas and then canceled the account.   My husband called her and she had one excuse after another about why that bill isn't "her responsibility" and she "isn't paying it."  I was raised with a different set of morals -- you get what you earn!  I dragged the poor old man and his oxygen tank to press charges.  Seriously--if the man hadn't sold his portion of family land to my husband then they would be putting a lien on the property until that bill was paid.  What kind of person does this to another defenseless human?  I am waiting for the sheriff's department and/or karma to really give her what she deserves.

That is terrible!!! I cannot believe the nerve of some people. I hope she gets what she deserves. Keep us posted on the outcome.
Excellent work on the bench!  I am all for good recycling!

Julie -- I agree 100% on the "gimme" mentality.  I am beyond fed up with it.  Let me share with you all my latest example:

I married my husband 3 years ago.  His previous marriage had lasted 20 years and had ended badly.  I knew when I married him that I was also taking on his 4 kids and grandkids in addition to my own children, as well as his elderly disabled uncle.  NO ONE in the family would take his uncle in...so my husband did.  Ornery?  Yes.  But he has a heart of gold.  Three weeks ago, said uncle received a phone call he didn't understand so he handed the phone to me.  It was a collection agency wanting $1400 dollars for a cell phone bill with AT

Karma sometimes takes a while, the Sheriff's Department will be quicker. Afterwords I am sure you will get a "poor pity me" followed by "but the world owes me", or something of the like. This is what are being brought up now. At least she was smart (or stupid) enough to put a pin on the phone account. I am sure somewhere they have a recording or memo for when she set that up. I feel bad for your uncle in law.

LOL LOL LOL LOL@ karma takes a while, the sheriff's department is quicker. Lol lol lol lol lol lol .

That's a good one. I hurt my side from laughing so hard at that one.

Lol lol lol lol lol lol.

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