"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"


Hubby says the new brooder is ready lol

LOVE the name!!!! My boys would love that!!
You can file a civil suit to get financial compensation. In criminal court the judge is only concerned with the criminal aspects of the charges. There may be a statue of limitation, that by now might have run out? IDK?
I too have PTSD, but from being abducted and tortured, it was like being in a pow camp for days, but the mental torture is worse than the physical torture, the broken bones and burns and bruises heal, but the humiliation and memories stay with you forever! And when you can't go to the cops, because it is a cop, you can only turn to GOD and put it in his hands. The cop is doing life without parole for murder, about 4 months later, so I guess I am fortunate to have escaped .
You can file a civil suit to get financial compensation. In criminal court the judge is only concerned with the criminal aspects of the charges. There may be a statue of limitation, that by now might have run out? IDK?
 I too have PTSD, but from being abducted and tortured, it was like being in a pow camp for days, but the mental torture is worse than the physical torture, the broken bones and burns and bruises heal, but the humiliation and memories stay with you forever! And when you can't go to the cops, because it is a cop, you can only turn to GOD and put it in his hands. The cop is doing life without parole for murder, about 4 months later, so I guess I am fortunate to have escaped .

Omg, Celie. I am crying for you. I am comforted knowing the depth of your faith. Girl, that is so sad.
You can file a civil suit to get financial compensation. In criminal court the judge is only concerned with the criminal aspects of the charges. There may be a statue of limitation, that by now might have run out? IDK?
 I too have PTSD, but from being abducted and tortured, it was like being in a pow camp for days, but the mental torture is worse than the physical torture, the broken bones and burns and bruises heal, but the humiliation and memories stay with you forever! And when you can't go to the cops, because it is a cop, you can only turn to GOD and put it in his hands. The cop is doing life without parole for murder, about 4 months later, so I guess I am fortunate to have escaped .

You are so right. A consideration is that To collect in a civil suit you have to have liability and ability to pay. Parents are liable for the liability/ acts of minors, but insurance normally doesn't cover criminal acts. Even siezing houses usually doesn't work bec of mortgages. Therein lies the biggest collection problem when thugs hurt people.
I love duck fat. It's the only animal fat that is healthy like olive. I like to roast potatoes with it makes them crispy on the out side. I pay for mine it's not cheep if you ever want to sell some let me know.Pam
I forgot that Julie skins her ducks( I think she said she did 30), in which case, you can just cut off some or all of the fat, cut into pieces, put it onto a saucepan with about a half cup to a cup of water and let it cook on a low fire, until the water evaporates off and the fat that does not render out makes crackling! Yes it is great for cooking potatoes, YUM!
You are so right. A consideration is that To collect in a civil suit you have to have liability and ability to pay. Parents are liable for the liability/ acts of minors, but insurance normally doesn't cover criminal acts. Even siezing houses usually doesn't work bec of mortgages. Therein lies the biggest collection problem when thugs hurt people.
Yes you are right, but if you have a judgment against them, or their parents, you may be able to garnish their wages? I don't really know for sure, but a lawyer would. I am sure God has it all down in his book and he is the best judge of all!
Omg, Celie. I am crying for you. I am comforted knowing the depth of your faith. Girl, that is so sad.
What happens to us, in the flesh, only makes us stronger! When something happens that you can't control, give it to Our Father and he will carry you and Bless you for it. HE has never left me nor forsaken me and has saved me from a lot of harm, in my life! God id still on his thrown and always will be!
You can file a civil suit to get financial compensation. In criminal court the judge is only concerned with the criminal aspects of the charges. There may be a statue of limitation, that by now might have run out? IDK?
 I too have PTSD, but from being abducted and tortured, it was like being in a pow camp for days, but the mental torture is worse than the physical torture, the broken bones and burns and bruises heal, but the humiliation and memories stay with you forever! And when you can't go to the cops, because it is a cop, you can only turn to GOD and put it in his hands. The cop is doing life without parole for murder, about 4 months later, so I guess I am fortunate to have escaped .

I know you have to go to the civil court. What I'm saying is the system is broken and needs change. I think if guilty in criminal court their should be a way for victims to be automatically compensated. When you go to civil court you have a lawyer that gets paid a percent of your settlement. Opposing council is happy to try to make you relive what you have been trough. That can be another trauma in itself. They try to discredit you. Its a broken system along with a lot of others that need change. It would save a lot of money if they could resolve things in one court. I 'm so sorry for what you've went threw. PTSD is a club I wish didn't exist. I'm glad you had your faith to get you threw. That's what helps us all in our lives.
Your a very strong women to have gone threw so much sill have your faith and now live a happy life. Here's praying it keeps getting better and better for everyone who has shared their painful stories. also for anyone else that has them and chose not to speak about it. Pam
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