"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I bartered wine for scarves. I have a co-worker that knits scarves and she will knit me scarves for a bottle of wine. #don't judge me.
Just think, you can wear the scarf, drink the wine in the bathtub with the soap!
You should have let us know earlier I would've loved to meet and put a face to your avatar. Ron's at Home Depot and then Walmart if you see a white new Chevy dully with topper that's Ron .
I just found out early this morning that I had to pick up the turkey TODAY!! I was in Slidell for a total of 2 hours. All I did today was RUN like a crazy woman!! On the way home, I picked up two more boys, so I had four boys at the house playing Wii. It was LOUD!!
I hope we can meet up when things are just a little less crazy.
Have a safe holiday!
My babies are getting so big! I love all the funny feathers sticking straight up, haha! The frizzle baby HAS to be a little roo! And wouldn't you know it he is so darn cute! They are all so individual. I just hate that they have this weather to deal with.......glad they have a heat light.

I love the pretty colors on the last baby. Its not lavender....I guess blue? Pretty though.
They are BEAUTIFUL!!!! LOVE the feathers!
I started the band aid fix for my chick doing splits and tried to put it back in the coop. Mamma took care of it last night, but this morning kept trying to push it to me. I walked away thinking that it has gotten along so far by flying everywhere mamma and the chicks go. Nope! Mamma refused to leave the coop or let any of the babies leave for the next hour, then I came over to check on them. She did it to me again, kept pushing him to me. I took him inside and he spent all day singing to me. He doesn't chirp, peep, honk, or quack like any other bird I own, he sings a very pretty song. Now I am thinking about chicken diapers to give him more roam in the house until he is walking well enough to go back out. Has anyone ever used them? Are they worth it or should I just keep him in the box?
I started the band aid fix for my chick doing splits and tried to put it back in the coop. Mamma took care of it last night, but this morning kept trying to push it to me. I walked away thinking that it has gotten along so far by flying everywhere mamma and the chicks go. Nope! Mamma refused to leave the coop or let any of the babies leave for the next hour, then I came over to check on them. She did it to me again, kept pushing him to me. I took him inside and he spent all day singing to me. He doesn't chirp, peep, honk, or quack like any other bird I own, he sings a very pretty song. Now I am thinking about chicken diapers to give him more roam in the house until he is walking well enough to go back out. Has anyone ever used them? Are they worth it or should I just keep him in the box?

Work on the diaper. I think it could be a very interesting adventure. Good luck with whatever you decide!
I want to thank everyone for your great advice on the citrus trees! First the little mandarin orange tree, that we bought last year when it was already blooming, set a few and they were so good, but the branches droop and the fruit almost touches the ground, so we put stakes around it to tie the drooping branches with the fruit o so they would not break. LOL This tree was only about 4' tall, but is not suppose to be a dwarf tree! As soon as you guys left a reply, I hurried to take care of the trees, as it is very wet outside and getting pretty cold already. I picked up all the branches one by one that had about a dozen or so oranges and the few that didn't and held them upright( about 6+ feet tall now) and eased branches through a feed bag with both ends open, till it was about half way down the tree and holding the fruit. Then I put another over the branches sticking out the top and overlapping the middle bag. I opened a couple more at both ends and slid them down until the whole tree was covered top to the ground. We put wire ties to hold the bags in place, put 3 stakes into the ground and tied the tree to them with 1/4 inch nylon rope, so the wind could not blow it over . This tree is on the south side of the house. Then on to the navel orange, which had 6 oranges for the first year. I planted it 3 years ago. We had a large plastic tarp(actually the top to a 10x20 tent) so we lifted it with poles, over the top of this 10+' tree and using the grommet holes, wire tied it down both forming sort of a pillow case over it and tied the bottom loosely around the trunk, letting some hand on the ground. We had some empty wire transport cages we put agrund it to keep it from blowing up under the covering. This tree is about 10'from the storage room built onto the carport of the house. Last tree is a Satsuma planted about 15' from the side of the front porch, on the North side of the house, (thinking about moving it to the South side of the feed shed, in the spring, where it would be in full sun. We planted a Satsuma and lost them due to cold, snowy weather the first 2 years after we moved to the North shore. The 3rd year we thought we had lost it too, but a small shoot near the bottom of the tree, but above the graft, sprouted and grew into an 8'tree, that blooms, but hasn't set any fruit yet!. This one I managed to get an old blanket over the top and wrapped it around the tree with rope. It did not reach the ground, so I hung a plastic tarp from where the blanket ended to the ground all around the tree and tied it all up with rope. I was freezing by then! Thanks again, guys! I really mean it!

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