"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I went to the police and they posted an ad that said it was under investigation, but no one knows how to get a real person at craigslist to get the IP address where it was posted from. I flagged it, as well as the police did, but they keep putting it back up! I am more afraid of it killing my neighbor's young son who plays outside. We have the common snakes in the woods, like everyone does, and a lot of king snakes keeping a natural balance. These are Exotic Snakes, that they are raising and I doubt that they would be able to get a permit for a huge barn full of snake tanks. I need to correct information I posted before. I thought these suspects live in Slidell, but Hubby said they told him N. O. East. I fear that if mass breeding is going on in LA, we might have the same snake problems as Florida has, because these are from other countries and the US has no natural animals that can even keep them in check! Children have been eaten by these large snakes, according to the TV program that showed the remains of a child in the stomach of a snake, when they had that snake hunt last year! I know we have laws against importing exotic animals, for this reason, but they are still being smuggled in and BRED ! And people are worried about people owning GUNS !!!!!
The world is getting CRAZIER every day! 

This is for everyone who is on craigs list. Always get there address if their from N.O. east don't do any deals with them or have them to your place. As you know I live across the lake from N O east. Please don't get mad I'm sure theirs 1 of 2 good people who live their. This is the most crime ridden area in N O post Katrina. A lot of gang violence, drug, pedifiles etc. I would bet money this person doesn't have permits. It used to be the ninth ward that had all these problems now its N O east. Pam
Shouldn't the phone company be able to provide the number that called your home on a specific date? Just a thought for Celie. Not sure, but might be worth a phone call.
Pam, we went to the police and they are doing what they can, but I have no prof it is the people I suspect it is. I sold 33, adult rabbits and this is the only people who had any complaint. I did exchange the rabbits for them, even gave them 3 free, but nothing would satisfy them. They want a guarantee the rabbits would reproduce as well as mine do. I did not even find out that they were raising REPTILES, until the last conversation, as they fed 2 of the free bunnies to the animals already! I guess they could be raising gators, but they have 2 young children, so I don't think they could keep gaters like that in a barn. He said each of his barns were bigger than mine, so there is just no prof, the police can use to arrest them, unless they can find where the ad came from. Then they would be able to get a search warrant and throw the book at them! The police put an ad on craigslist and have asked for the N.O. police cooperation and are very aware of the danger these snakes can cause! It's tracking them down, through craigslist co-operation, that is the problem. This is not just my problem and the people who were inconvenienced by the ad, but the results that could arise from these exotic animals. 

This doesn't suprise me people in N O east have a chip on there shoulder they work the system. I would bet money their on government assistance and doing this snake thing under the table. Don"t give up sooner or later craigs list will contact the police. Just document everything that will give you evidance Write down every phone call you had with them time ,day,conversation etc. All the harrisment of the phone calls. etc everthing you can think of. Including trying to go out of your way to make them happy customers. They will be caught it will take more time than we would like. If its true their from N O east it should be easy once they confirm it that person. Not a lot of barns there.

Calm down about them letting a snake on your property. They aren't going to do that when they can sell it for money. Plus it cost gas money N O to Ticfaw. I think they feel that they have inflicked revenge by posting your info.

What is so stupid is that in N O twice Adults have been killed by their own snakes. They are total Dumb Dumbs.

I know its hard but try to relax As my grandma always said everything done in the dark always comes out in the light. They will be caught. Pam
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There's not a whole lot I have utter disdain for more then two-faced people. I have encountered enough of them in my life to be left paranoid. I can never look at someone and not wonder if they are genuine or genuinely B.S.ing me. I never trust anyone I hear talk about someone behind their back and smile in their face. How a person treats others is a good indicator as to how they treat you. Giving truly honest opinions will hurt feeling sometimes, but people know when you say something good or positive you mean it just as much and you aren't sugar-coating it to make them feel better. Sometimes hurt feelings are the only way to grow as a person or fix something that's wrong.

I think the reason we all get along so well, we think so much alike. We hold fast to the truth and hate being lied to! Hubby says I'm binary, no gray areas. The truth is the truth, but a lie is a lie. The thing I HATE most in life is to be lied to! Anyone gossiping about others to me would gossip to others about me and I avoid those kind of people!
I'm scared to go over there...I was totally not wanting a disagreement lol I just felt laughing at Celie was wrong, her breeders weren't in a similar environment when moved, were moved preggers, stressed..these things can take a toll. Plus I've seen the sensitivity of certain creatures first hand and being told they "don't do things" was incorrect. Doh.
I always get fired up and cause trouble with my opinion. Lol
Happy Birthday. My daughter is as well. Today is her birthday. Every year it is exactly one week before Christmas. Lol.

That poster on th rsbbit thread is still going on and on and now calling herself a victim and calling into question Angelicisi's credibility. I quit responding, but I don't think Cracked Nut nor Angelcisi nor I nor Celie have said or done anything to her to harm her in anyway. (ChocolateMouse). It's a shame she has ruined that thread.
Guess what Santa is getting this naughty girl? It's chicken related....heh heh heh


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