"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I was trying to see if perhaps one day we may be able to meet halfway and I could give you some ducks. What would be your halfway point?
I'm sure we could.... Im not sure what halfway would be but i can figure it out. I could bring you some coupons from up here too. we may have different ones
At the moment we have a horses stable, thanks to the previous owners, we trying to take it little by little a day build a coop towards the back of the property, I have the muscles ducks and my husband is worried that they might be getting too big too fast,I'm stuck on what to feed them since I already feed the chickens chicken grower don't want to give them something they shouldn't get.
I was trying to see if perhaps one day we may be able to meet halfway and I could give you some ducks. What would be your halfway point?

I'm sure we could.... Im not sure what halfway would be but i can figure it out. I could bring you some coupons from up here too. we may have different ones

That would be great! Yes, the BYC'ers that send me their coupons are different from the ones we get here. And they are GREAT !
Good morning peeps. Congrats to all new peeps owners, great pics everyone, welcome all newbies. Glad that you all are here.

I hope everyone is having a great morning. It's the weekend !!!!!!!

I had a fun night last night. I had a visitor that visited one of muscovy's nest and had a feast.

Say hello to my little dead friend.



He was hiding behind a sheet of plywood that was propped up against my fence. Evidently he ran my muscovy away and had a party with the eggs. :mad: So my girl lost her nest. :(

Ants are taking over again. I had about 17 muscovy ducklings in a brooder INSIDE the garage. When I got home and checked on them, I found ants all in the brooder. I am puzzled as to how they got INSIDE the brooder. There was not a single ant on the floor in the garage. My poor babies were stomping around trying to get the ants off of them. I had to rush and get them out of the there and put them in the bathtub and filled the tub up and washed the ants off of the them.


I think I will have a special needs lamb. I noticed the pupil of one of my bottle fed babies and something didn't look right. I looked closely at his pupil and it appeard to be a pupil of a blind lamb. I did some research for comparison and yep, I found pics that looked just like it. This lamb has never ran into anything. He plays, runs, jumps with no problem. The only thing that I had noticed is that he would cry for me and I would be close to him but he never saw me. When I would call his name, he would look my way and run to me. He would always do that and I knew something was wrong about that but I didn't worry about it until last night when I picked him up and was rubbing and kissing on him. I"m sad about it but he can still live a happy and normal live. He may be partially blind now and I suspect he will be totally blind before too long. Here is a pic of him. You can see what the pupil looks like. My poor baby.


Well, have a great weekend everyone.

If you see me in the store doing my extreme couponing, please tell me to leave. :oops: I need an intervention.:/

Why not fire up the fire pit? just till your shopping addiction goes away. Pam
At the moment we have a horses stable, thanks to the previous owners, we trying to take it little by little a day build a coop towards the back of the property, I have the muscles ducks and my husband is worried that they might be getting too big too fast,I'm stuck on what to feed them since I already feed the chickens chicken grower don't want to give them something they shouldn't get.

When I was growing up we had horses when we got rid of them my dad used the stall as the chicken coop. Pam
At the moment we have a horses stable, thanks to the previous owners, we trying to take it little by little a day build a coop towards the back of the property, I have the muscles ducks and my husband is worried that they might be getting too big too fast,I'm stuck on what to feed them since I already feed the chickens chicken grower don't want to give them something they shouldn't get.

I don't have ducks but I know they eat a different feed than chickens.
At the moment we have a horses stable, thanks to the previous owners, we trying to take it little by little a day build a coop towards the back of the property, I have the muscles ducks and my husband is worried that they might be getting too big too fast,I'm stuck on what to feed them since I already feed the chickens chicken grower don't want to give them something they shouldn't get.
Grower is ok for ducks. as long as it isnt medicated.
Great job! That's awesome keep that partnership!

:gig although you need a sponsor not an enabler :lau

PSJ, the extreme couponing is so much fun but it takes a lot of time. That's why I"m not on BYC as much as I use to be.

Just last night I bartered with a girl in my area . She wanted coupons and I wanted some of her stock pile. We met at one of the Dollar stores when we were both couponing about a month ago. Our meeting was so funny. She walked in front of me and cleared the shelf of a product. Then she had to apologize and ask me if I needed any of the items, which I didn't but still. LOL. We have kept in contact ever since. We text one another when there is a sale. We both have our individual strengths when it comes to couponing, so we work as a team. She lives in Opelousas and works the night shift, so she can make purchases and clear the shelves during the day. That is her strength. I am able to get a crap load of coupons for nothing to a VERY minimal trade. So, she needs coupons to clear the shelves and I need the stock pile because sometimes, I am too tired to go to the store. So we help each other out. This is the trade that she gave me last night for coupons.

10 gallons of bleach (off brand but it's still ok)
6 bottles of soft soft
2 - 3 packs of ivory soap
2 - pack of hygiene items.

I think I gave her about 50 coupons, which most of the items she will purchase will be FREE or she will not pay more than $0.25 for the others. She got the better deal and that's what I wanted. The coupons I gave her were in my stockpile of coupons and I was ready to re-home them. I was tired of seeing those coupons. She was like a kid in the candy store. So, our new friendship is working out just fine.


Now, I have to get a t-shirt to wear when I go couponing that says, "Do NOT disturb, couponing in progress". Too many people are asking questions about my coupon binder, my cart load of goodies and everything else. They mess up my concentration. I have to count and add to get that negative balance :gig
At the moment we have a horses stable, thanks to the previous owners, we trying to take it little by little a day build a coop towards the back of the property, I have the muscles ducks and my husband is worried that they might be getting too big too fast,I'm stuck on what to feed them since I already feed the chickens chicken grower don't want to give them something they shouldn't get.

How old are the ducks?

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