"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

We have two playhouses. My daughter might have to sacrifice one to become a large coop...
That could be an option if in fact you need it, i would advise you to wait and see if all the new chicks arrive safe and sound and get big enough to live in the coop, just saying if and god forbid that one of the new ones didnt make it, what you have now should be big enough, and there is no sense in maybe upsetting your daughter pre maturely
I cannot believe this.

This morning I went to check on the new chicks.  I was checking them each out, looking, making sure everyone was vibrant and running around.

ONE little STINKER!  MUst be a ROO!  I put my finger out to try to touch him and he turned and challenged my pointer finger and then bit it!  What?!  Not short on spunk that one!  If he had neck feathers they would have been all fluffed out.  He did it more than once.  I was shocked but couldn't help but crack up.  He is so little it was just comical.

I had one do that and I SWORE it was a rooster, but it turned out to be a hen. And then I had one I thought would be a rooster, and I was right. But both turned out to be dominant over the rest of the flock.
That could be an option if in fact you need it, i would advise you to wait and see if all the new chicks arrive safe and sound and get big enough to live in the coop, just saying if and god forbid that one of the new ones didnt make it, what you have now should be big enough, and there is no sense in maybe upsetting your daughter pre maturely
One time I was sent extras so they would survive shipping. I got 6 RIR roosters. Now what will you do if that happens? This is for kimmy I know this isn't her quote. Pam
My girls are in trouble today and probably the rest of the week. They murdered my cantaloupe plants. They are staying in the coop and run today. No free ranging.
I am sad to say I lost Myrtle - my oldest hen. She was a breeder quality Cuckoo Marans & 10 years old. I found her laying quietly in the corner of the coop. She hasn't laid in a long time but enjoyed her retirement and was happy right up to the end.
I am sad to say I lost Myrtle - my oldest hen. She was a breeder quality Cuckoo Marans & 10 years old. I found her laying quietly in the corner of the coop. She hasn't laid in a long time but enjoyed her retirement and was happy right up to the end.
ooohhh.... im so sorry Terri. I'm sure she had a long, happy life tho
I am sad to say I lost Myrtle - my oldest hen. She was a breeder quality Cuckoo Marans & 10 years old. I found her laying quietly in the corner of the coop. She hasn't laid in a long time but enjoyed her retirement and was happy right up to the end.

I'm so sorry to hear this Terri! I know she had a good life. I know this must be hard after having her for so long.:hit
My girls are in trouble today and probably the rest of the week. They murdered my cantaloupe plants. They are staying in the coop and run today. No free ranging. :mad:

I read that cantaloupe seeds are a natural wormer for chickens. I read it in a chicken magazine so I think the source is reliable. So don't be too mad they were worming themselves.. :lau

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