"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"




I think what I refer to as milk weed is different from what your talking about I never seen a pod on it. A pic might help.
. I hope this helps. Names of plants , as many things, very from place to place and region, and so many nic-names. I'm to late for this year. I will be ready next spring.

I would love to learn of as many foods as I can that we walk by, and see but do not know it is food.
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Let me know how yhe caponing goes. I'm really courious about it.

Well, I did my first ever home butchering.  And when I say butcher, you KNOW what I mean.  I can't tell you how many times I heard to not go into it unprepared.   Well, the knife was cr^p,   Most of the work was done with butchering shears.  Dull, dull knife.  I won't make that mistake again.  It took  almost 2 hrs to set up, dispatch the bird,  practice on caponizing and finally to process.  He's soaking in ice water now.  One thing I do know.  I'm not going to attempt this on live birds for a while.  I was able to find his "beans" but if he wasn't already dead, I would have killed him two or three times.  Practice, practice practice.  He was about 20 wks old so will crock pot him in a couple of days.   Overall, I'm satisfied that I can do it.  The processing wasn't hard.

Aimee and AJ went to Dallas on vacation yesterday and went to Medieval Times last night.   Wonderful time.   They ate the old foods and watched a jousting match.  She has pictures. 

I wonder if an X-Acto knife would be good for caponizing? The blades are all shapes and razor sharp. I think they are to short for butchering. It should make a nice clean cut, with practice you will know how deep. When you get good at it have some one take pictures, step by step. Of course of a dead roo. That. Way you have time to set up each shot. I really dislike the idea, but I am a realist. There is Dr. Numb, I am also wondering it that would help in the operation? I am going to get some, and see if it works. Otherwise, being fast is the next thing to reduce pain and stress.


1 Tube of Dr. Numb Maximum Topical Anesthetic Anorectal Cream, Lidocaine 5% ~ Net Wt 1.06 Oz (30g) it is used in tattooing
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. I hope this helps. Names of plants , as many things, very from place to place and region, and so many nic-names. I'm to late for this year. I will be ready next spring.

I would love to learn of as many foods as I can that we walk by, and see but do not know it is food.

Definately different from what I call milkweed. I like learning about wild food. Pam
I wonder if an X-Acto knife would be good for caponizing? The blades are all shapes and razor sharp. I think they are to short for butchering. It should make a nice clean cut, with practice you will know how deep. When you get good at it have some one take pictures, step by step. Of course of a dead roo. That. Way you have time to set up each shot. I really dislike the idea, but I am a realist. There is Dr. Numb, I am also wondering it that would help in the operation? I am going to get some, and see if it works. Otherwise, being fast is the next thing to reduce pain and stress.


1 Tube of Dr. Numb Maximum Topical Anesthetic Anorectal Cream, Lidocaine 5% ~ Net Wt 1.06 Oz (30g) it is used in tattooing

I thought lidocane was bad for chickens. Maybe I'm thinking its Dogs. I guess it wouldn't matter if your processing. I used the X-acto for brumble foot.
Thank you RS, I will ask a vet about chickens. I was thinking numbing the area for canonization. I think, maybe, using it on a dog to relieve pain is bad because they would chow that spot or more likely paw. And they lick... Sometimes a lot. A dog with a numb tough could be a whole new world a possible hurt. Think f it. But using it on the 1 to 1 1/2" spot that you cut I think would be fine. For century's we have been harder to pain in animals.

FYI for sensitivity on pain: Vivisection had been common, it was believed that the animals cry s meant no more then a squeaky door, they really do not feel pain, they are lower creatures therefore not fully developed as living things as we are. This made it all OK to abuse and use them.
As a little kid, I did not get Novocain because my dentist [specializing in children dental care] believed that children teeth did not have nerve endings, we were just historical. His child size chair had straps all over for restraints if needed. Otherwise an assisted would help hold the child's head. If you were very good you got candy. He would drill the hole, pack it and send you home dazed. Several weeks later you returned to get it filled. My parents were told I felt nothing, I was a spoiled kid wanting attention. :barnie NO.. I was in pain. It was also believed that children could not get headaches. Fortunately for me, my mom switched dentist and believed me when I had a migraine. As I remember it the Novocain kicked in on the way home. This is one of the few childhood memories. As for my first dentist I remember that terrible chair only and having to go back and hands on my head. The rest my mom told me. She felt bad that she took me there and believed him at all for a short time. I think I saw him a couple if times. My older siblings had gone to a different dentist at my age.
I have also been operated on with no pain killers of any kind, but was an adult and know how to black pain. Found out after the operation by a male nurse that he would not let this doctor in 100' of his wife he was a misogynist, could worn me before the operation.
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I wonder if an X-Acto knife would be good for caponizing? The blades are all shapes and razor sharp. I think they are to short for butchering. It should make a nice clean cut, with practice you will know how deep. When you get good at it have some one take pictures, step by step. Of course of a dead roo. That. Way you have time to set up each shot. I really dislike the idea, but I am a realist. There is Dr. Numb, I am also wondering it that would help in the operation? I am going to get some, and see if it works. Otherwise, being fast is the next thing to reduce pain and stress.

1 Tube of Dr. Numb Maximum Topical Anesthetic Anorectal Cream, Lidocaine 5% ~ Net Wt 1.06 Oz (30g) it is used in tattooing

Good idea. I'm going to probably order a scalpel with replacable blades. Unfortunately, Lidocaine is toxic to chickens. But they heal incredibly fast. I pull the outer skin aside for a couple of inches. And when I'm through, the bird has a cut 1" long under his wing. The inner cut is covered up. They have been doing this for thousands of years. It's fast like a paper cut and doesn't hurt much more. Kassaundra did some the other day and had to keep putting the towel over his head because he was trying to eat any dropped food. It bothers them more to pull out the feathers in a dollar coin size area.If I can become accustomed to doing it, I'll be able to keep my roosters 6-8 months instead of 4. No crowing, no mating, no fighting. Win-win Until I can get good at it, I'll be looking into the velcro neck bands. Can you believe one of my 8 wk olds started crowing yesterday.
Thank you RS, I will ask a vet about chickens. I was thinking numbing the area for canonization. I think, maybe, using it on a dog to relieve pain is bad because they would chow that spot or more likely paw. And they lick... Sometimes a lot. A dog with a numb tough could be a whole new world a possible hurt. Think f it. But using it on the 1 to 1 1/2" spot that you cut I think would be fine. For century's we have been harder to pain in animals.

FYI for sensitivity on pain: Vivisection had been common, it was believed that the animals cry s meant no more then a squeaky door, they really do not feel pain, they are lower creatures therefore not fully developed as living things as we are. This made it all OK to abuse and use them.
As a little kid, I did not get Novocain because my dentist [specializing in children dental care] believed that children teeth did not have nerve endings, we were just historical. His child size chair had straps all over for restraints if needed. Otherwise an assisted would help hold the child's head. If you were very good you got candy. He would drill the hole, pack it and send you home dazed. Several weeks later you returned to get it filled. My parents were told I felt nothing, I was a spoiled kid wanting attention. :barnie NO.. I was in pain. It was also believed that children could not get headaches. Fortunately for me, my mom switched dentist and believed me when I had a migraine. As I remember it the Novocain kicked in on the way home. This is one of the few childhood memories. As for my first dentist I remember that terrible chair only and having to go back and hands on my head. The rest my mom told me. She felt bad that she took me there and believed him at all for a short time. I think I saw him a couple if times. My older siblings had gone to a different dentist at my age.
I have also been operated on with no pain killers of any kind, but was an adult and know how to black pain. Found out after the operation by a male nurse that he would not let this doctor in 100' of his wife he was a misogynist, could worn me before the operation.

Wow I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that pain. I'm sure they feel it too. When I treated my hen for brumble foot she didn't scream but I know she felt it. Which reminds me I was getting some things for my dogs on K9 Power and they have vetercyn products on sale. If you don't have this in your chicken first aid kit I would get some while it's on sale.
Good idea.  I'm going to probably order a scalpel with replacable blades.   Unfortunately, Lidocaine is toxic to chickens.  But they heal incredibly fast.  I pull the outer skin aside for a couple of inches.  And when I'm through, the bird has a cut 1" long under his wing.  The inner cut is covered up.  They have been doing this for thousands of years.  It's fast like a paper cut and doesn't hurt much more.  Kassaundra did some the other day and  had to keep putting the towel over his head because he was trying to eat any dropped food.  It bothers them more to pull out the feathers in a dollar coin  size area.If I can become accustomed to doing it, I'll be able to keep my roosters 6-8 months instead of 4.   No crowing, no mating, no fighting.  Win-win  Until I can get good at it, I'll be looking into the velcro neck bands.  Can you believe one of my 8 wk olds started crowing yesterday. 

I believe it. I wished I lived closer I 'm really interested in caponing. Pam
I wonder if an X-Acto knife would be good for caponizing? The blades are all shapes and razor sharp. I think they are to short for butchering. It should make a nice clean cut, with practice you will know how deep. When you get good at it have some one take pictures, step by step. Of course of a dead roo. That. Way you have time to set up each shot. I really dislike the idea, but I am a realist. There is Dr. Numb, I am also wondering it that would help in the operation? I am going to get some, and see if it works. Otherwise, being fast is the next thing to reduce pain and stress.

1 Tube of Dr. Numb Maximum Topical Anesthetic Anorectal Cream, Lidocaine 5% ~ Net Wt 1.06 Oz (30g) it is used in tattooing
Taser people, please check in! I remember a discussion a couple months ago & some of you have tasers. Do you have the type that you do NOT have to touch the assailant w/ the prongs in order to taze them? I'm looking into getting one. Can't have firearms where I work, but tasers are permitted. Thanks for any input. I don't see the use of getting one if you have to touch the prongs to the assailant as I dont' intend to get within grabbing distance of anybody out to get me.

The reason being there are times when I am the only person working in a 3 story building in a not-so-good part of town. that's why I'm asking. Otherwise, I'll change my work schedule & just go in extra early a couple mornings during the week instead of staying late.
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