"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hello all. Just joined up and saying hi to folks in LA.

Was hoping to get some input from others in my area on coop design. Possibly meet with someone to see their setup to get some ideas.

I'm wanting to start out raising Buckeyes and eventually build a flock up to about 50 birds for meat and egg production.
I'm ready to start building a coop and run. I plan on letting the birds free range as much as possible.
I'm in the Ruston area.

I LOVE THIS! Really tho, A. The nutrition of the extra bits and marrow they get is awesome especially in our chickens lol - shameless plug :lau and B. - really it cracks me up that the girls will tackle me for a left over carcass - of chicken! Doh :th I laugh everytime still seeing them chase each other around :gig

Ceclie sends her love! She's doing well. They've been really busy. It was a pleasure visiting her today. Guys got to talk farm shop and kids challanged the Tom turkeys running around. Oh my gosh I want Turkey's Soooooo bad lol! They are just too much! So funny and friendly at her place. Eating right outta our hands, toms were puffed up but not once did Lily back down til she could pet one! Funniest thing ever... My 5 year old girl squaring up to a tom and backing up to it in case it tried to eat her, she said its ok if it gets me in the bum I can run! I suppose hindsight says use more caution but I warned her, and was ready to boot a tom if needed but it wasn't. :lau

Got some amazing all organic home made body butter cream too. It's amazing on my war wounds from breeding bunnies! Definitely recommend it!

Great story angel wish you would've videoed Lilly! Glad Celie is doing well!
I've had a productive day too. Sold my body butter, 3 bars of soap, and ten doz eggs! Very happy about that and I didn't have to leave my house.
Only bummer is no Legbar eggs yet.I think they might have hid them in the woods. I've looked haven't found any to night I'm checking vents. I'm out of eggs now well till tomorrow. I need them to lay twice a day now. I think Ron's ok with more chickens now. :lau
This is amazing.
Update: The first picture is from the other day. My coop is in the background. The other two pictures is of what I found today after work. I think it is a King Snake eating a Copperhead. I locked my chickens out of the coop for the night (They are still in a caged in area). I hope the king snake will finish his meal and then run off by morning. I am not a fan of snakes but the king snake is doing a good job at protecting the chickens from others. I got home late today and all of the chickens were inside the coop with the snake and were fine. They are freaking out more now that they cannot get into the coop at night, lol.
Hello all. Just joined up and saying hi to folks in LA.

Was hoping to get some input from others in my area on coop design. Possibly meet with someone to see their setup to get some ideas.

I'm wanting to start out raising Buckeyes and eventually build a flock up to about 50 birds for meat and egg production.
I'm ready to start building a coop and run. I plan on letting the birds free range as much as possible.
I'm in the Ruston area.

Hi Cody. I'm in Sterlington just north of Monroe. I just have 4 birds in my backyard but I would love to see your setup once you get started. I'm in Ruston fairly often. Three of my kids went to Tech.
Sounds like you've beed busy too. can't belive I beat you with winter planting. Your bunnies are so good looking. Please tell Celie we love and miss her wish she would come back. This thread is deserted. Terri doesn't even come around. Love the pic and story about Lilly. That Primrose is trying to make sure you don't move. Lol!

You are right about everything.
Thank you for the warm welcomes.

@ drmusic. You'd be welcome to come check the setup out when your in town. I've been clearing off an area for the coop and run. Hopefully I will start building this week.
If all goes well I may have a dozen Buckeye chicks soon. It should start to get interesting. :) I have a lot to learn.
Welcome Cody A.!

We have fond memories of Ruston. Many years ago my sister lived there while her husband went to La. Tech. And, one of our boys finished there in architecture, the other in electrical engineering. Ruston reminds me of my home town - Natchitoches.

Regarding coop design, have you looked at the myriads of sizes and designs in the "Coops" area? (Button at the top of the page.) When I was anticipating building my coop a few months ago, I got some really good ideas there. I think many of them are designed for flocks smaller than what you anticipate having. Nevertheless, I'm sure you can expand on ideas you get there. I also got some good guiding principles of coop design from an eBook, The Small-Scale Poultry Flock" by Harvey Ussery. But, this source is one of many books out there that can be of help to you. I guess being both a teacher of science and computers (retired), I read, read, read on any topic of interest. I love the combination of using the Internet and books to bone up on things.

As with many others here, my flock is small, only 8 RIR. I wanted to start off small, but built my coop so that I can get more later, if I so decide. I don't know if it is practical for a flock the size you plan on having, but I am using leaves to create "deep litter" in the coop for controlling the smell and accumulation of manure, and it really works - no smell of chicken droppings in the coop at all. In late fall and winter, I make a few trips around Lake Charles residential areas and pick up a bunch of bags of leaves. The leaves not only go into my coop, they also add to my compost pile for my garden. Also, one end of my coop is covered with hardware cloth so as to allow for a lot of circulation of air. Both ideas are from Ussery's book. Of course, 8 birds don't produce much, and they are out into a tree and grassy area during the day.

Not related to your coop, but FYI, I've surrounded their pen with an electrified fence. Easy to put up and provides good security.

Hope to see more of your postings here. Disappointing to not see more of our Louisiana neighbors posting here. With the surge in the last few years of folks having chickens, you'd think there'd be more. Maybe they are just too busy tending to and watching their chickens.
Hello all. Just joined up and saying hi to folks in LA.

Was hoping to get some input from others in my area on coop design. Possibly meet with someone to see their setup to get some ideas.

I'm wanting to start out raising Buckeyes and eventually build a flock up to about 50 birds for meat and egg production.
I'm ready to start building a coop and run. I plan on letting the birds free range as much as possible.
I'm in the Ruston area.
First of all, welcome to BYC CodyA, Jena here, I started with 20 in March and made it to 79 total, I now have about 65, I harvested 11 roosters and lost 3 or 4 along the way, my original plan was to start slow and build up to about 50/60 total by spring 2015/ then the fever hit( chicken math ), 5 here/10 there 20 something rescue, Thankfully, I built my main chicken house to accommodate 50 +, so it was a good move.

The roost area of my house

Early stages of build

I will pm some more photos from my laptop when I get back on it.
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