"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hmmmmm Cody, That might work for my storeroom also. My SIL said it would take hundreds of dollars to insulate the ceiling in my 10'x12' storeroom. I wonder?
you can buy the 1 inch foil backed insulation at HD or lowes for about 5$ for 4x8 ft sheet, i turned the foil to the top in my shop and it really made it brite in there, you would need about 4 sheets, i attached mine to the rafters with felting nails, and strips,will take a photo to share

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Oh absolutely!  I spent MANY happy times at my grandparents house in the little country town of Provencal, LA, and my grandmother always had chickens.  Waking up to her rooster crowing will always be with me.  I loved her so much that when she passed away, I hauled her remaining chickens down to our house in Lake Charles.  It just helped keep her alive in my mind just that much longer, and our children, who were very young then, still remember them.  Don't remember if a rooster came along with the bunch.  Agree about using a stud rooster.  Too bad more of our close neighbors aren't on here making it easy to get together.  I would prefer to keep the breed true - RIR.  Not the production kind, but the heritage stock.  If they'd allow me to, I'd be crazy enough to take one back to where I got them, Ideal Poultry, to have fun with one of their roosters.  But I doubt they'd accept an outside bird.  I'm really getting ahead of myself, my girls aren't even laying yet! :/  

When it's all hens they will accept a rooster. I just mixed these because my Legbar hens aren't laying yet. I saw him mate with my Easter egger so I figured it would be my trial run. Plus that would continue with the blue egg gene. How old are they? They are good looking compared to the production ones I had. I miss Grandma too. Pam
Nutri Drench can bring a lamb back to life within 30 of almost expiring.   It will do the same for chickens.  I have kept it in the water on the extreme hot days.  The sheep kind is almost the same as the poultry and I believe cheaper.  That's what I have.    Besides taking the hose and showering them a minute or two a couple of times a day.  I have an open air coop in the shade with tinned roof.  They did fine.  :celebrate

Mine stay outside in the underbrush when it's really hot. I have't had any problems. But it's always a good idea to keep a first aid kit I will add that to mine thanks for the tip. Pam
So I released the peeps to range yesterday after the attack. The 1st attack was 50 ,5 day old peeps in raised brooder no lid (but still had 50, 2 weeks old chicks on ground below all safe never touched). 2nd attack was after we moved brooder in coop-covered with wire lid. Found greasy dark fur in vent of brooder. So we fed the predator the chicks in a lunch box basically :(

We patched hole, released all the 7 day olds from brooder to range with the 2 week olds, a week earlier than we usually do but went out last night and baited a rat trap- rat trap is gone. Yup...dunno how or where but it was a nasty snap trap we don't really like but I was mad....all chicks are alive! I searched hard for the trap, its pretty powerful, I hope it got it for good.
Pam, my 8 RIRs are 17 weeks old. And thanks! I'm no chicken judge, but given the brightness of their eyes, the sheen on their feathers and their almost constant activity, I believe my girls are really healthy. I had read that the heritage RIRs don't lay as quickly, and possibly as much as the production line, but on the average they are healthier and live longer. While we are really looking forward to some fresh eggs, they are my pets and a source of entertainment too - thus I hope they stick around as long as possible. Part of my entertainment is watching the different personalities, habits and behaviors develop. But, they resemble each other so much, I'm gonna have to put on leg bands to help me identify who is who.

While the girls seem to have been doing fine on a common brand of chicken feed that our local farm store stocks, the store recently started carrying a brand that is a non-soy, non-GMO grower. That's a nice feature, but I'm more focused on the fact that it is 22% protein as compared to 18% in the more common brand. While I'm an old biology teacher, I've not documented this, but it appears that they are requiring less feed as I slowly switch to it. That helps, because this new brand is more expensive. Or again, unscientifically speaking, maybe they are just learning how to forage better. They have a large and varied area to do so.

And the new biddies look great!! I really would enjoy watching one of my girls leading around her babies...maybe sometime. But, to more immediate tasks for the near future. For example, there's one small opening in my coop that an owl might be able to sneak through. And my son-in-law heard one last night in a large tree that is very near their pen. Also, I'm continuing to plant the fall garden, now that we have finally had a break in the rains.

So, out to the self-appointed daily chores. Will be back later.
So I released the peeps to range yesterday after the attack. The 1st attack was 50 ,5 day old peeps in raised brooder no lid (but still had 50, 2 weeks old chicks on ground below all safe never touched). 2nd attack was after we moved brooder in coop-covered with wire lid. Found greasy dark fur in vent of brooder. So we fed the predator the chicks in a lunch box basically

We patched hole, released all the 7 day olds from brooder to range with the 2 week olds, a week earlier than we usually do but went out last night and baited a rat trap- rat trap is gone. Yup...dunno how or where but it was a nasty snap trap we don't really like but I was mad....all chicks are alive! I searched hard for the trap, its pretty powerful, I hope it got it for good.
A mink is an aquatic animal and has oily fur, research tells me, skunks, coons, weasels ferrets and certain cats will eat the head of its prey and leave the rest of the kill if food is plentiful, you won't find the trap if it's a mink because it would naturally go to its water habitat if it is injured, your trap is probably under water now.

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