"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I have several red sex links, RIR, Barred Rocks, Blue Marans, one White Amber, a Splash Maran, a French Copper Maran, and a Jersey giant. Then I have some ducks too, Pekin, Cayuga, Silver and cinnamon Apple yard and Anconas. They are great! Plus we have plenty of room, 5 acres in Bush.  :)

quote name="CackedNut" url="/t/160883/louisiana-la-yers-peeps/37740#post_14271116"]:welcome   Folsom area here.  Welcome!  I'm in downtown Covington every morning taking kids to school.  Tell us about your flock.

The results of my "chicken math." Two SS hens and a FBCM pullet aren't pictured. So glad husband really put his foot down and said five was the limit. ;)
Don't forget the t-shirts!!! lol... Wow, we had some rants. Poor Jeff!

My oldest (turned 13 end of July) and is in 7th grade. He has started going to the Friday night Varsity football games at the school he will be going to next year. So, this means I am now going to Friday night Varsity football games. I think I'm too old for this! lol... Then after a late night Saturday, we had 5 boys over Saturday night for a bonfire, games of "ghost in the graveyard" and a sleepover. I was the "adult supervision". I had my kindle, and a glass of wine out by the fire. Plus, there was a horse show just down the road, so there was live music too. Not a bad Saturday night. Once I got everyone in the house, I went to bed around 11:30 and they were still going strong. They're a great group of boys. I had forgotten just how late boys can stay up.
On Sunday, my husband had the idea to go out in the boat. There's something about going out in the boat. As soon as my boys (husband included) get on the boat, they are STARVING!!!! It's a good thing I always pack a ton of food. You'd thing we were on a 3 hour tour! lol...

On the chicken front, most of my girls are growing back their feathers. We had a hard molt and psychological issues. They had mites earlier this year...they DO NOT have mites any longer, but THEY thought they did. It was a LONG road. They have also started finding hiding spots for their eggs in the two solidly pack stalls of square bales. So, this means every day I get to crawl up into the hay and look for the dang eggs!! I know that I'm missing some. Edna (EE) lay beautiful, large green eggs. I can't find hers. She's such a toot!!! They of course move their laying spot once I find it. My boys laugh at me, because I will try to crawl from one stall to the other on top of the hay, because I get tired of going up and down the ladders. I kinda got semi wedged one day. I think they got a little too much fun out of it!

I do think that I may have a bully hen. There are a couple of my girls that have thin spot on the back of their necks. They are getting feather shoots, but I still think I've got a bully. I think it might be one of my GLW. She's bigger and pretty vocal. I may pull her out and see how the flock does for a few days.

I'm done rambling now....lol...Hope everyone is doing well...

Congrats Jipus!!!!! So happy for you. I've only seen the one picture of the wedding (from behind). I can't wait to see more.

Also...we're getting close to BABY TIME....we need updates V!!!

Very good post Laurie. I love to hear the good ol' stories. My life is going great also. It seems to be moving along with my plans. I've got the opportunity to get a Bob Blosl White Plymouth Rock cockerel from Fred. Pricey with shipping. ($95) but what I need for my set up breeding schedule. He's 4 mo old. Got to get my nickels together. I'm going to try to get my beds set up for spring planting. This year I've got someone to actually help me set them up. Yea!!! I'm putting together 4' x 8' x 12" beds with a pond liner and adding 10 gallon grow bags. Keep an inch of water at all times. It'll be a lot less work for me and the bags and soil mixture will last for years with added compost. And that I'll have.
It's the Larry Hall method from youtube
Being a bit crazy is a requirement, Terri.
Cracked, loved your post. Mine are still in moult. I'm going to cooked some eggs for them. My only eggs. I'm egg poor right now.
I planted a small winter garden. Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and carrots. It's coming up nicely. That bed never has done well before, just almost solid clay. But I've been adding rich top soil and spent bunny hay and more top soil and this has been the best yet.
Three of my six will be 3 years old in March. 2 will be 2 years old and the baby (thanks Angel) isn't a year old yet. My limit was 3. Now I have six. My chicken yard is plenty big enough for 6. Technically my coop could hold more if anyone would take the lower perch, but they all wNt the higher one. If I get more, maybe I could just raise the lower one.
Enjoy the beautiful day everyone.
I'm a homeschool mama with a 10 and 7 year old boys and a 3 month baby girl. We moved here literally the day after Abby was born, so we did experience half of the summer here. :) I love the rain! It is so nice to go from hot and very dry to lush and green and lots of rain, even with the humidity it is still better. We come to Covington a couple times a week for different things and often times we try to get to the dog park in Mandeville so our German Shepard puppy can play its great for the whole family. Then we have our lovely ladies and two big boys, plus the ducks which are also fun to watch and enjoy!
Very good post Laurie. I love to hear the good ol' stories. My life is going great also. It seems to be moving along with my plans. I've got the opportunity to get a Bob Blosl White Plymouth Rock cockerel from Fred. Pricey with shipping. ($95) but what I need for my set up breeding schedule. He's 4 mo old. Got to get my nickels together. I'm going to try to get my beds set up for spring planting. This year I've got someone to actually help me set them up. Yea!!! I'm putting together 4' x 8' x 12" beds with a pond liner and adding 10 gallon grow bags. Keep an inch of water at all times. It'll be a lot less work for me and the bags and soil mixture will last for years with added compost. And that I'll have.
It's the Larry Hall method from youtube
Please take a picture of that cockerel when you get him!! It does sound like you've got a lot going on...but a great game plan! I'll have to look up the Larry Hall method, it sounds interesting. I would really LOVE to add some of Pam's offspring to my flock, however I need to get us "situated" first and figure out a few things. Nothing like having to act like an "adult" (dirty word)!! I want more chickens!!! I just don't have the time or space right now.

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