"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Being a bit crazy is a requirement, Terri.
Cracked, loved your post. Mine are still in moult. I'm going to cooked some eggs for them. My only eggs. I'm egg poor right now.
I planted a small winter garden. Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and carrots. It's coming up nicely. That bed never has done well before, just almost solid clay. But I've been adding rich top soil and spent bunny hay and more top soil and this has been the best yet.
Three of my six will be 3 years old in March. 2 will be 2 years old and the baby (thanks Angel) isn't a year old yet. My limit was 3. Now I have six. My chicken yard is plenty big enough for 6. Technically my coop could hold more if anyone would take the lower perch, but they all wNt the higher one. If I get more, maybe I could just raise the lower one.
Enjoy the beautiful day everyone.
VERY jealous about the winter garden!! My small raised bed had an unfortunate accident with the tractor! Now, no raised bed. I'm still ticked at my husband over that one.
However, I've got to keep him around...I'll need another coop built in the future!
That's neat. Which school? I didn't know that was an option.

Mandeville high, If they have a certain grade average and not in sports its an option. My daughter likes piano and is a B average student. I was going to do on line and when I went to take her out they told me about the Saint Tammany online school so I kept her in this one so she can get her diploma with her friends.
I'm a homeschool mama with a 10 and 7 year old boys and a 3 month baby girl. We moved here literally the day after Abby was born, so we did experience half of the summer here. :) I love the rain! It is so nice to go from hot and very dry to lush and green and lots of rain, even with the humidity it is still better. We come to Covington a couple times a week for different things and often times we try to get to the dog park in Mandeville so our German Shepard puppy can play its great for the whole family. Then we have our lovely ladies and two big boys, plus the ducks which are also fun to watch and enjoy!

I have 2 GSD's.Haven't done the dog park my female has super high drives.She would rule the park. Lol! She looks innocent don't let that fool you.

Please take a picture of that cockerel when you get him!!  It does sound like you've got a lot going on...but a great game plan!  I'll have to look up the Larry Hall method, it sounds interesting.  I would really LOVE to add some of Pam's offspring to my flock, however I need to get us "situated" first and figure out a few things.  Nothing like having to act like an "adult" (dirty word)!!  I want more chickens!!!  I just don't have the time or space right now.

I'll be having legbars in the incubator tomorrow. Still waiting on the Biefeleders to start laying their colbs are turning red so should be soon.

She is pretty! I love taking Rogue because it totally wears her out! A good dog is a tired dog! She is great though and she is about 7 months old.

Pretty girl I have the same thoughts, if you don't exercise them a lot they will de distrutive. I've taught mine to track they love it.
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I wish I would have been on when everyone else was. So good to see everyone back on this thread. I have missed y'all!!! Especially you snarky peeps you know who you are. Now we need to get angelisi our partner in crime back too.:oops: You know you miss your ovations. LMAO! Pam
I had a rough day at work today, spent most of it perched like a chicken on a limb, i had to change a cylinder haed on a compressor engine, standing on pipes, angle iron and being in a bind for several hours and the 90+ temps in direct sun out here didn't help, every muscle i have is hurting twice, but on a good note, my wife collected 30, did i say 30 eggs today, appearently, some of my BSLs are starting to lay them big brown eggs, I am beat so i have to go to bed, get up at 5 AM and do it all over again, 1 more day and then 14 home, i am getting to old for this crap. Happy Chickening to all you peeps.

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