"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Well at that point I had nothing to lose since she was going down. And I figured if it didn't work then at least she would go out happy. Lol. I'm glad it worked.
It's great that it worked.

I used to cook quite a few drunk chickens.
I'm missing a legbar hen. No sign of any part of her. No feathers nothing. Trap will be out tomorrow. I'll be putting them up early tomorrow. Makes me so mad. :mad: Pam
We put our muck boots on and planted some of the new free veggies even though part of the time we were wading through standing water in the aisles. Peppers, tomatoes and eggplant. I'm really glad that the pepper plants from seed I had gotten from Terri didn't get ruined from that last hail storm. Yay! And we are planting our sweet potatoes in a tower this year. Why? Why not? They make more potatoes anywhere the vine roots back into the soil. And they grow their vines like buck wild and crazy!!! So we figured we could tuck them back in here and there and they can root and make more. And hopefully it will be easier to contain the vines. Every time we grow then they just take over. We made 2 towers and are going to finish filling them this weekend. I've planted loads of sunflowers and my favorite, Dahlias. I can't wait for the Dahlia blooms!!! My hydrangea is blooming. We now have 3 babies from it. 1 by the layering method. Really gentle and simple.






That last picture is what I call the "billboards". We have a rectangular shaped frame that I strung wire on for the green beans. Then when my husband put the 2 of them up they ended up looking like a pair of billboards. I find humor in the oddest places. Marigolds and spinach in with 3 kinds of beans.
hope everyone had a great day....seen you guys post about barred rocks...i have acquired the good shepard line...and another line as well...they take forever to get their feathers...my hatch rate for 30 eggs was 24 i believe...i believe the flaws put out in the inbred line like these are more to worry about...cant wait to see what i have for stock when they get older....i believe i have close to 50 show quality barred rocks now...from two different lines....and one crossed line between the two...
I am getting to build a new addition to house all my chicks, chickens and supplies! Basically I will have a 12'x24' open space to layout as I want. I need 4 pens, but may add a fifth just in case. I have 38 total chicks and chickens right now so there should be enough room for the brooders too. Gonna be fun!!!
My babies are 15 days old today. They have been in my outdoor brooder pen for a couple of days now with the door to the run open, but they are too afraid to go out. Today I had to give them a nudge so that I could clean the house, and here they are for the first time on the ground. They were afraid at first but were soon doing what chickens do best, scratching and hunting for tasty morsels. After about 30 minutes they returned to the safety of the house. I guess it was too much excitement for 1 day.


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