"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Goodness everybody's been busy! I candled my eggs and pitched 4 clears; that leaves 20 in the bator so hopefully will have a good hatch around the 19th. Just wish they were auto-sexing breeds! I still remember one hatch I had years ago -- EIGHT roos out of nine eggs! I had a fit when I saw all of those combs sprouting and then came the crowing & fighting. I hope that never happens again!

It doesn't matter how many times I've done this, I still get apprehensive, nervous, excited - the whole bag of emotions.
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Goodness everybody's been busy! I candled my eggs and pitched 4 clears; that leaves 20 in the bator so hopefully will have a good hatch around the 19th. Just wish they were auto-sexing breeds! I still remember one hatch I had years ago -- EIGHT roos out of nine eggs! I had a fit when I saw all of those combs sprouting and then came the crowing & fighting. I hope that never happens again!

It doesn't matter how many times I've done this, I still get apprehensive, nervous, excited - the whole bag of emotions.

:D you set with me :) litterally day 21 over here is the 18th, but i have duckys SO itll b All The Way until the 25th before i see hatchs!!
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Goodness everybody's been busy! I candled my eggs and pitched 4 clears; that leaves 20 in the bator so hopefully will have a good hatch around the 19th. Just wish they were auto-sexing breeds! I still remember one hatch I had years ago -- EIGHT roos out of nine eggs! I had a fit when I saw all of those combs sprouting and then came the crowing & fighting. I hope that never happens again!

It doesn't matter how many times I've done this, I still get apprehensive, nervous, excited - the whole bag of emotions.
We are going to set eggs while I home this time, 6 olive eggs, 6 white leghorn, 6 Ameracaunas, and probably a mixed 6 set, not sure which ones yet. Maybe RIR over Lav. Orpingtons.

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