"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hello and welcome back. I too have been out for a bit. Those grand babies keep me busy. I added some girls to my flock that hatched 12/2. Still no eggs yet but hopefully soon. I have one I am the ting to identify. Any ideas? She is absolutely beautiful and quite timid compared to the ADD Blue Andalusian i also have. Received from Meyers hatchery and it’s a guessing game. The other four I know.
I hatched last year and one was a RIR with a beard and flat comb.
It was crazy trying to get chicks at the feed store this year. One of the first weeks Zachary feed sold out all their chicks the day they were delivered. My daughter went to a couple of stores and bought 20 chicks. Her plan is to grow them up a bit and resell. I don't know if she realizes how much feed costs. We'll be keeping 6 to replace what the local hawks dined on this winter. I'm not sure which breeds we'll keep, maybe 2 white leghorns, 2 americaunas and ? ... golden comets? That's a new breed for us this year. The chicks just got moved out to the chick pen and they are having the best time running around.
It was crazy trying to get chicks at the feed store this year. One of the first weeks Zachary feed sold out all their chicks the day they were delivered. My daughter went to a couple of stores and bought 20 chicks. Her plan is to grow them up a bit and resell. I don't know if she realizes how much feed costs. We'll be keeping 6 to replace what the local hawks dined on this winter. I'm not sure which breeds we'll keep, maybe 2 white leghorns, 2 americaunas and ? ... golden comets? That's a new breed for us this year. The chicks just got moved out to the chick pen and they are having the best time running around.
I wasn't familiar with the golden comet(probably since never owning one) but the are so adorable and they say super friendly. Good luck! I am so attempted to try my luck at hatching again but the hubby would probably want to kill me. lol! So tempted though. The grand kids loved that experience.
So now I am wondering if my BCM is a roo. They were all supposed to be hens but reading how hard it is to sex them. Let me know what you think. Now 22 weeks but her comb and waddles are quite large and dark A16DCC5F-0520-4048-BC8F-329C0FD8075C.jpeg


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Hi all, it’s been a while since I’ve been on the Layers thread, glad to see it still going! For those that don’t know me, I kept chickens for years, the flood caused a temporary break, but I got back in not long after. For some reasons I got out again last fall. Turk and I go along way back and she is a really bad influence!!!
Fyi, Turk, I’m in the process of building a new coop :)

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