"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

👋🏻 Hey all! Just found this scrolling through. Love meeting chicken people near me. I’m in Houma. We have a small little flock of 4. ❤
I was fumbling around through BYC and found this forum!!! I am in NE Louisiana and been raising chickens since March. I like knowing there are other chicken lovers here in the boot!!!
Hello to both from Pineville!
Happy to hear from others here!
I have 1 old mean rooster (everyone hates him so he lives with a goat), 1 positively ancient hen (known as the dragon chicken), 10 normal mixed layers, 1 "yearling" rooster, 20 this year's pullets, 2 accidents that just hatched and other animals.
I have had chickens of one sort or another since 1985, nothing professional going on here, mind you, I just like having them around -- plus the eggs.
Happy to hear from others here!
I have 1 old mean rooster (everyone hates him so he lives with a goat), 1 positively ancient hen (known as the dragon chicken), 10 normal mixed layers, 1 "yearling" rooster, 20 this year's pullets, 2 accidents that just hatched and other animals.
I have had chickens of one sort or another since 1985, nothing professional going on here, mind you, I just like having them around -- plus the eggs.
Sounds like a fun place to be all those animals walkin around
I don't know about "fun". It's usually loud and today it's hot.

Something is always going on: today it's a female goat screaming her head off for no particular reason. I discussed 4th of July barbecue choices with her but she hasn't taken the hint...I think she's in heat but I don't want to breed back for next year's babies yet. Goats have a 5 month gestation and December is just too busy to be birthing a bunch of goat babies.
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