"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

thanks for the info. But you know I'm a girl and don't know much about the equipment.

Backhoe is a bit smaller,less horsepower,used for smaller jobs...Trackhoe.... more horsepower, bigger jobs....like you would usually see on the big jobsites

Sorry Missi,but that's not a good excuse
...lol.. I'm a girl too...(At least last time I checked???) Pretty sure DH thinks so too....
thanks for the info. But you know I'm a girl and don't know much about the equipment.

Backhoe is a bit smaller,less horsepower,used for smaller jobs...Trackhoe.... more horsepower, bigger jobs....like you would usually see on the big jobsites

Sorry Missi,but that's not a good excuse
...lol.. I'm a girl too...(At least last time I checked???) Pretty sure DH thinks so too....

Well hell. You just dogged me!
now to go look for pictures do I'll know what it is. I know what a back hoe is cause a friend had one. I know what a bull dozer is cause we rented one to clear property. That's about the extinct of my heavy equipment knowledge.

ETA: now if we were talking power tools.
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Hi! From Lake Charles. Never see any LA on the auction sites.. Would be nice to do some local buying/trading. Just purchased some Black Copper Marans, Wheatons and a Blue. Got a few EE's, Australorps and mixes. Loving it!
from Opelousas.

This is your one stop shop for all of your chicken needs. We have what you want and need and we're open 24 hours 7 days a week. Come on in and shop around and see what we have. Someone will be with you shortly. All of our representatives are busy serving other customers right now (they're actually sleeping because it's 2AM). I'm the only nut up.

Seriously though, a lot of the peeps on this thread have a variety of birds and are NPIP certified.

Welcome to the thread.
I have several laying Golden Wyans , several pullet Blue Red Wyans and a couple of Buff Orphs I need to sell . Got to many and need to thin the herd down a bit . Anyone interested , only problem is most of ya'll live hours away . I could meet someone at Petrus feed in Alex if anyone wanted to buy them . I will make you a good price . The Buffs are probably a month away from laying . 4 gw's , 6 brw's and 2 buffs is what I would like to sell .

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