"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Have any of ya'll ever cooked a turkey in the ground ? Much like cooking a pig or goat in the ground , very , very tender . 225-250 lb turkey is kinda big , you might need a back hoe to dig the hole .

or maybe even a trackhoe....
Now I dig deeper into my archives....give me a minute or two here -- I had a recipe for a whole one that I used to use..

I'm skunked -- I can't find it & I have to go get ready to take Jim to his ortho apt & get that cast cut off & a new one put on, so will have to look later this evening. I don't have it on computer & the book it's in might be over at Mom's.
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In case you didn't see my edited post above-- sorry!!!!!!

I'm skunked -- I can't find it & I have to go get ready to take Jim to his ortho apt & get that cast cut off & a new one put on, so will have to look later this evening. I don't have it on computer & the book it's in might be over at Mom's.​
Well good news and bad news then. The lav silkies didnt make it storm got emso starting over the 3rd time
I do however have a lav SG roo over black,blue and splash silkie hens
Thanks! Jim is now in a walking cast! altho, he can't put weight on it for 2 more weeks. I guess they want him to practice wearing it first. At least he can take it off to sleep AND to shower, which will be wonderful!!!
I just PM'd you mine & Mom's cell phone numbers (I have yours) - see you tomorrow! I figured she was up for a road trip & Jim has an estimate to work on, plus PT to start on his leg.

Mandy I'd just rub the turkey all over with whatever seasoning you want -- I like Paul Prudhomme's poultry seasoning for both poultry & pork -- and brush it good with olive oil & melted butter & stick it in the oven on low heat & let it go -- if it starts to brown too much on top put some tin foil over it -- until it reaches the right temperature - according to the chart I have, 325 degrees until it reaches internal temp of 185 degrees & a 10-12 pound bird should take 3-4 hours. (unstuffed & thawed) I sure wish I knew what I did w/that old recipe - it was in a Southern Living magazine...

anyway, looking like rain here so off to feed the outside critters before I get wet!

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