"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I am so sorry this happened to you!! I would've been beside myself too!


I'm sorry for your loss. And, you're right -- people don't realize the time and expense that goes into this hobby.
The pea boys fanned me yesterday -- they were beautiful! For the first time, they didn't stop when I walked up to the fence. I kept talking to them, "Who's a pretty boy"? "Who's the handsome birdy-birdy-birdies"?

They were side by side & they approached me, then stopped and just like a choreographed dance, both of them slowly turned around & presented their fluffy white butt feathers and shimmied & shook -- it was hilarious! -- I immediately thought of that old rock-and-roll song, "shimmy shimmy co-co-ba'!

Then they both slowly turned back around, at exactly the same time, & continued to fan for a couple more minutes. They are going to be really something when they get the really long trains in a couple of years!
Hopefully Julie & I both will have peachicks next year!! so we can sure hook you all up!!!!

News flash: I GOT A JOB!!!!!!

I went w/Mom to get the stuff for Thanksgiving dinner. Then I got home & not 5 minutes later the phone rang & it was Lisa -- offering me the receptionist/bookkeeper front desk position at her CPA firm - I start next Monday.

During the busy season, now through April, I'll be 40 hours a week for the most part, but the rest of the year I'll be Mon-Thurs! off for 3 days - Fri thru Sun! every week!!!!!!!

I was starting to sweat having to go to work at Walmart or Lowe's or temping for minimum wage & this is NOT minimum wage by a long shot - it pays well & is a small office -- 4 women -- a NICE office -- I can dress nice again! -- and the hours, Oh gee, after all these years of being at work at 7 a.m., the hours are 8:30-4:30 -- decent hours - not up at the crack of dawn... Can I tell you, I really, really, really wanted this job!!!!

Now I have to go back into town tomorrow w/Mom & put together a "business casual" wardrobe -- I have nothing!!!! 9 years of jeans & sneakers....maybe 2 good outfits to my name.....and I have to do this tomorrow before the big "Black Friday" Christmas rush starts -- it was already crazy at the mall today (we didn't go in it but you drive right past it to get to Walmart).

One thing I can honestly say, is that my life is never boring --- it takes more turns than a roller coaster!

My folks & Jim were so happy they were almost crying. Me, too! I just got my Christmas present early!
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Congrats on the job...!!! I wouldn't work at Lowe's...lol... (at least not here)...but I did work as a Supervisor for Home Depot for 5 years..... Then they shut down our store and layed everyone off.... Best thing they ever did for me! (not really,but after we had a new manager come in it all went to hell.She picked favorites,and because I wasn't a hard azz on my associates and write everyone up, I wasn't a favorite...lol....Even though I kept our Customer sat # up everyweek as the #1 store in our district.Brought home the only perfect score in the history of our DM gold cup walks,not to mention all the VOC scores and positive comments I always received... BUT I'm not a brown noser,so......

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