"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

We had our last baby of the season born last night.  A little ram that will unfortunately be destined for the freezer.  Too bad, because he sure is cute!

Momma and her new baby

He has a brown stripe running down his back

My other ewe, and her week old ewe lamb.  The baby is growing fast, and is so independent!  Loads of entertainment to watch.

Ok, here we go... I woke up at 6:30 to a text from my father-in-law saying "call me, it's about your chickens & ducks"... So I called him & he told me that someone at his work lost some chickens to GNATS. So I thought, no way, gnats? My chickens would eat those! But after googling it, I found countless articles about Buffalo Gnats killing chickens. I have gnats, not sure if they are buffalo gnats, but gnats none the less... He says to spray them with a water/vanilla extract mix??? The net says to use DEET, which seems more accurate, how ever I have no idea where to buy deet, feed store maybe?

Anyways, anyone delt with them before? How big of a risk is it? What do you use to control them, if anything?
thank you and I just checked on them again and I know have two :) the first little black one and a lil naked neck :) im sooo excited and both mommies seem to be doing good with them :)
Ok, here we go... I woke up at 6:30 to a text from my father-in-law saying "call me, it's about your chickens & ducks"... So I called him & he told me that someone at his work lost some chickens to GNATS. So I thought, no way, gnats? My chickens would eat those! But after googling it, I found countless articles about Buffalo Gnats killing chickens. I have gnats, not sure if they are buffalo gnats, but gnats none the less... He says to spray them with a water/vanilla extract mix??? The net says to use DEET, which seems more accurate, how ever I have no idea where to buy deet, feed store maybe?
Anyways, anyone delt with them before? How big of a risk is it? What do you use to control them, if anything?
Yes, we had to spray for them last year - they only hang around about 3 weeks but they will swarm & block the nasal passages & kill your fowl. You have to use a spray with permethrins in it - I forgot what it's called but we got it at the feed store - dairy people use it on their cows. We sprayed the coops & everything was fine after that. I did sprinkle some sevin dust around in there & in their dusting holes also.
thank you and I just checked on them again and I know have two :) the first little black one and a lil naked neck :) im sooo excited and both mommies seem to be doing good with them :)
Good morning ya'll. I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Did anyone go to the chicken swap at Tractor Supply in Opelousas this weekend? Congrats to everyone on new babies and growing babies. So exciting.

I have a few reports from the weekend.

Well, I don't know if you all remember me telling you that I had a turkey hen that set up camp (went broody on eggs) across the street from me in a wooded field. Well, I had been going to check on her twice a day (AM & PM) to make sure that everything was ok. I also had been leaving food out in a large dishpan and also leaving fresh water for her and the other GENIUS (turkey hen) who set up camp in a sticker bush PLANT :mad: , so whenever they get hungry or thirsty, fresh food and water was always available to them in the yard. Well anyway, on Friday night, I walk to the field to do my PM check and I could hear my turkey hen making all kinds of noises. I immediately knew that something was NOT right. So, as I got close, I could see her moving around in her nest. So, I look and look and look and then I look to the left and I see a BIG OLE' - LONG snack circling around the side of her nest. That little ******* was trying to get the babies that had just hatched. I was ******!!!!!!!!! :mad: For some reason, my DUMB BUTT always has the thought to grab whatever and choke it to death (LOL) :smack because I am so mad and not thinking. But I didn't grab it. The mama turkey had by that time got off of the nest to lure the snake away from the babies to her but the snake didn't go towards her. I got a stick and "shoo'ed" it away from the babies. I then ran to my neighbor's house to ask them to come and help me take the babies and bring them into one of my chicken stalls. It would have taken me too long to get all of those babies. So, I go and get my neighbors and they grab the babies. So the mama turkey hears them chirping and follows the chirping noise into the chicken yard and into the chicken stall. So I put turkey starter and water in there with them and she settled down. Here are pics of her and her babies. As of today all 8 babies and mama are doing good. There was only 1 egg that hadn't hatched and I have it under a broody hen. If there is no action today, then I will call it quits on that egg.

I did a head count and I have 17 broody hens. :th Mostly all of them are sitting on goose or peafowl eggs. The others are setting on golf balls. I don't want any baby chicks this year. I have too many chickens already.

Gracie, I was able to sell my baby ram to this guy. He is a yearly customer that comes and gets whatever I don't want. So, I shipped my little boy off on Saturday. One more to go but he is going to the slaughter house. I want some lamb chops and ground lamb :drool

Lock down for the guinea eggs is Wednesday. I'm hoping they all hatch. I'm still practicing. Will probably practice on chicken eggs next time. Although I don't want any more babies, I need to practice with something.

And I have 1 more mama turkey to should be hatching her clutch of eggs soon. I think that she is setting on about 10 eggs.

And I have a few more weeks to go to see if the peafowl eggs were fertile. I'm hoping. :fl This will be THE BEST hatch of all time. MORE PEAS !!!!!!!! :ya

I'm starting to find fart eggs, so I think my Rhode Island Reds are starting to lay. :ya We will have to build more nesting boxes for them.

The geese are pathetic. They have not hatched their own eggs yet!!!!!!!! :smack If they don't, then that's ok because 4 goslings have hatched for the year and I'm Ok with that. As if I need more animals. :smack

Have a good day ya'll !!!

Yes, we had to spray for them last year - they only hang around about 3 weeks but they will swarm & block the nasal passages & kill your fowl. You have to use a spray with permethrins in it - I forgot what it's called but we got it at the feed store - dairy people use it on their cows. We sprayed the coops & everything was fine after that. I did sprinkle some sevin dust around in there & in their dusting holes also.
You can also get the Sevin brand concentrated spray. One bottle should last a couple years I'm thinking. It kills lice, gnats, etc. Cheaper than buying the dust if you have a large flock
Yes, we had to spray for them last year - they only hang around about 3 weeks but they will swarm

You can also get the Sevin brand concentrated spray.  One bottle should last a couple years I'm thinking.  It kills lice, gnats, etc.  Cheaper than buying the dust if you have a large flock

I need to get the concentrated spray. I am seeing an increase in ants! :mad:
Good morning ya'll. I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Did anyone go to the chicken swap at Tractor Supply in Opelousas this weekend? Congrats to everyone on new babies and growing babies. So exciting.
I have a few reports from the weekend.
Well, I don't know if you all remember me telling you that I had a turkey hen that set up camp (went broody on eggs) across the street from me in a wooded field. Well, I had been going to check on her twice a day (AM & PM) to make sure that everything was ok. I also had been leaving food out in a large dishpan and also leaving fresh water for her and the other GENIUS (turkey hen) who set up camp in a sticker bush PLANT
, so whenever they get hungry or thirsty, fresh food and water was always available to them in the yard. Well anyway, on Friday night, I walk to the field to do my PM check and I could hear my turkey hen making all kinds of noises. I immediately knew that something was NOT right. So, as I got close, I could see her moving around in her nest. So, I look and look and look and then I look to the left and I see a BIG OLE' - LONG snack circling around the side of her nest. That little ******* was trying to get the babies that had just hatched. I was ******!!!!!!!!!
For some reason, my DUMB BUTT always has the thought to grab whatever and choke it to death (LOL)
because I am so mad and not thinking. But I didn't grab it. The mama turkey had by that time got off of the nest to lure the snake away from the babies to her but the snake didn't go towards her. I got a stick and "shoo'ed" it away from the babies. I then ran to my neighbor's house to ask them to come and help me take the babies and bring them into one of my chicken stalls. It would have taken me too long to get all of those babies. So, I go and get my neighbors and they grab the babies. So the mama turkey hears them chirping and follows the chirping noise into the chicken yard and into the chicken stall. So I put turkey starter and water in there with them and she settled down. Here are pics of her and her babies. As of today all 8 babies and mama are doing good. There was only 1 egg that hadn't hatched and I have it under a broody hen. If there is no action today, then I will call it quits on that egg.

I did a head count and I have 17 broody hens.
Mostly all of them are sitting on goose or peafowl eggs. The others are setting on golf balls. I don't want any baby chicks this year. I have too many chickens already.
Gracie, I was able to sell my baby ram to this guy. He is a yearly customer that comes and gets whatever I don't want. So, I shipped my little boy off on Saturday. One more to go but he is going to the slaughter house. I want some lamb chops and ground lamb

Lock down for the guinea eggs is Wednesday. I'm hoping they all hatch. I'm still practicing. Will probably practice on chicken eggs next time. Although I don't want any more babies, I need to practice with something.
And I have 1 more mama turkey to should be hatching her clutch of eggs soon. I think that she is setting on about 10 eggs.
And I have a few more weeks to go to see if the peafowl eggs were fertile. I'm hoping.
This will be THE BEST hatch of all time. MORE PEAS !!!!!!!!

I'm starting to find fart eggs, so I think my Rhode Island Reds are starting to lay.
We will have to build more nesting boxes for them.
The geese are pathetic. They have not hatched their own eggs yet!!!!!!!!
If they don't, then that's ok because 4 goslings have hatched for the year and I'm Ok with that. As if I need more animals.

Have a good day ya'll !!!
Julie, I'm glad that you found your babies in time. They sure look content with Momma.

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