"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hi there!
Long time no see!! Glad to see you enjoying the Coronations. You have a very interesting bird there.
Hey! Thanks again. This crazy little bird has feathered feet too.
Made it back home!!! Julie & I had a great visit & drew a few onloookers in the parking lot of Tractor Supply, lol! Just set 15 guinea eggs & 2 peacock eggs in my 'bator. Took some pics of them to post later, right now have to go get ready to take an open air MRI (what a waste of my afternoon, grrrr)!!! but we're having shrimp poboys tonight to make up for that. Later, ya'll!!!
Hello again everyone, we just took photos for our 3 day update and we created a blog about our chicken raising experience:

Sorry this post is a bit photo heavy!
Irene, day 3

Coq Au Vanessa showing her little featherlets, day 3

Ira Bea, day 3

The peepers starting to settle down for the night, day 3
Made it back home!!! Julie & I had a great visit & drew a few onloookers in the parking lot of Tractor Supply, lol! Just set 15 guinea eggs & 2 peacock eggs in my 'bator. Took some pics of them to post later, right now have to go get ready to take an open air MRI (what a waste of my afternoon, grrrr)!!! but we're having shrimp poboys tonight to make up for that. Later, ya'll!!!

So great to see you again Terri. Glad that you all made it back safe. THANK YOU again for trusting me to give those HANDSOME roos a forever home. I rushed home to get them settled into their temporary pen. It only took a few seconds for the CSI Unit - - - -- > Chicken Scene Investigators to march over to check out the competition. They walked around the pen slowly and gave them a once and a twice over and then walked away. I'm sure they are plotting something but whatever it is, they can forget about it because it ain't gonna happen. I have to keep a close eye on my RIR Breeder Boys. They are absolutely gorgeous Terri AND HUGE !!! :bow

I hope the MRI went well.

Shrimp Poyboys! ? :drool I wonder if I can juice that? :gig

Thanks again for everything Terri and let me know when you're up for another hatching of eggs. I can bring them to you next time. Gives me an excuse to leave town. :oops:

Gracie, We need to get together pretty soon so that we can put our heads together to determine color and/or saddleback vs splash. Those two little goslings with light gray color are becoming more interesting. I can't stand waiting for the color to come in. It's driving me crazy!!
The feathers that I SEE coming in are white and what appears to be SILVER/LAVENDER
I'm thinking that I may have identified my gander carrying the lavender gene. I sure hope so!!

Let me know! I have a young white female that I would like to trade someone for another female of any color. She is a couple weeks old now and thinks she is a chicken
Well yesterday afternoon as I was feeding the chicks in the brooder and my chickens were free ranging in the back when something caught my eye. I turned to see a hawk diving at my chickens. All the hens ran to their chicken tractor as the rooster stood out to protect them. The hawk stayed around eying them. Not sure what kind of hawk it was, most of them look alike. Two white bands on tail feather. Medium size hawk.

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