
After months of eavesdropping, I finally decided to take the plunge and join the rest of you. don't have as much time to spend as would like, but do enjoy the forum when can.
You look familiar. I think I know some bumpkins. Are you related to the Hicks? They are cousins to the Rednecks? I have heard though that the offspring of bumpkins are super intelligent, beautiful specimens. That is what I have heard anyway.....
The best I've had in the LA area is at Pann's, but then I haven't been out hunting it down. Roscoe's is OK, though to my taste it's usually overcooked. I have to admit that my tolerance range for fried chicken is both wide and deep: unless it's raw or fried in rancid grease or something like that, I will eat it without complaint. KFC, Popeye's, whatever - bring it on. But the stuff at Pann's is cooked to order, and taken straight from the fryer is both wonderfully crunchy and delectably tender. It does NOT travel well.

Louisiana Drug Addiction

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