love my little ladies

sam mills

Jun 29, 2015
walsall wood walsall uk
Hi everyone I've always wanted my chickens and love my ladies, i want to plant in their enclosure so it doesn't look so bare. But don't want to have them eat what i plant. Any ideas please on plants that they won't eat but will attract bugs for them please
Hi :welcome from Yorkshire UK

Glad you could join the flock! If you are looking to plant some things for your chickens here is a lovely article you might like to check out. Here is the link ~
What breed/s are your girls?

Wishing you the very best of luck in your search for chicken proof plants.

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
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Glad you joined us!

You may want to check out this link on chicken proof plants. Good luck with your flock!
Welcome to BYC!

It's nice to have you here, what breed(s) of chickens do you have?

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