Loving our dozen in WNY

Egg Lovers

8 Years
Nov 10, 2011

We have been on our chicken raising adventure since our little box of peeps arrives on May 16, 2011. We have 11 Buff Orpington hens, and one loud and proud White Leghorn rooster! Our ladies just started laying at the end of October, and I was on here today since they are laying ALL OVER THE PLACE, but not in their lovely, well-appointed nesting boxes! We even found 2 out in the run!

We wanted chickens for the best eggs possible of course! Our kids love it too, and that was a big part of it.

Building the coop was a bigger project than we anticipated, but we are really pleased with the results. Now I have to get my hubby to stop calculating the cost of the coop per egg till we have gotten a few hundred of them at least!

I am so tankful for this fantastic resource, and have been on here many times already getting information and answers. Thanks for all the help already!!

Egg Lovers in Western New York
from Ohio.

We are with you, we stopped trying to justify the cost of keeping our chooks safe and in areas that we can control when needed. It made my husband sweat. Since we also wanted some control over what our chooks were fed, medications used and how they were treated, that, to us, is priceless.

We are on 1st egg watch for our 7 BO ladies. They started squatting on Sunday and have been checking out the nesting boxes. Since they are just 2 weeks behind yours hopefully we won't have long to wait. Our Dominique hens were the first to lay and go directly to the nesting box, proudly peaking out if we enter the coop, stay until they lay and let anyone of the rest of the girls do the singing for them. Even the roosters get into the act with a crow or two.

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