Loving this site!


In the Brooder
May 13, 2015
Hi! I'm fairly new to he chicken world, with a small flock of ten (9 hens and 1 roo). I have 3 black marans, 1 Easter egger, 1 speckled Sussex, 3 americaunas, 1 lavender Orpington and my roo is an olive Easter egger. My sweet little rooster is only just over three months old but we hope to have chicks added to our flock soon :) I can't wait to get in on these awesome forums! I'm off to explore.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. You have a nice mix of breeds and should have a very colorful egg basket. I love the chocolate eggs of the Marans. In my personal opinion, they are the prettiest eggs in the chicken world. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Hello, welcome to BYC!

There is a lot of information about chickens, other poultry, and just about anything else you can imagine here so have fun exploring. Feel free to ask questions, everyone is friendly & helpful.

Good luck to you with your flock (nice assortment btw).

It's nice to have you join us!

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