Lucky Day!


7 Years
Oct 22, 2012
Central Pennsylvania
I am so excited that I finally got a chance to check out the leftover pallets from my husband's place of employment! I knew they looked about the right size from afar, but today I got to take a good look at them, and they are perfect for re-purposing into a coop! I plan to put two side by side and finish with plywood. (My only real cost.) They are super sturdy, I shook one and it didn't budge. I plan on making a coop for my kids so they can get a few show birds, and my oldest son wants to try turkeys, so we will make a separate one for them. I will give the wood a good scrubbing before I get started, as they contained large graphite blocks. Luckily there are quite a few pallets. I wish the weather wasn't turning cold, but I guess I'll have to wait for spring!

Nice find, That is a great idea!
Good Luck on that!

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