Lurker finally joined


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 23, 2014
Hello BYC,

Just joined today, but I have read so much great information from this site over the years.

I recently started my urban backyard flock in Austin, Texas. I have five pullets that are all about 2 months old now...a buff orpington, black sex link, americauna, brown leghorn, and a delaware. I had been bugging my wife for years about getting chickens. She said not until the kids are out of diapers. Then two years ago, for my birthday, I got permission to get chickens. I was about to jump in the truck to drive to our local feed store, but she put her foot down and said I had to build the coop first. Well that only took two years (actually still some work to do on it)
. Although we did lose a chick the first day we got them home, the others have been doing great and my kids (2 boys) love having them. They named them: Flame, Tiny Forever, Rocky Raccoon, Comet, and Banjo.

I will post some pics of the girls and the coop soon. Just saying Hi for now.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I love you chickens names. Raising chickens is a great experience for kids. My granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) loves our chickens. Do I detect the presence of the Guardians of the Galaxy fan in your family? :eek:) I loved the movie; it was very funny. My granddaughter names our hens after Disney princesses. You have some really good laying breeds, and Black Sex Links are my favorite; hardy and friendly egg laying machines. I have raised them for years, and they have consistently been my best layers, frequently churning out over 300 eggs per hen per year. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock, and your kids. :eek:)
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Sorry you lost a chick. But it sounds like the others are doing great! Chickens are so much fun to keep and great for the kids to learn responsibility.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like you have a cute little flock. Sorry about the chick you lost.
Thanks for the greetings y'all! And thanks to the community for all of the great info that has made the last couple months go so smoothly as I started my first chicken raising experience. I hope to return the favor as much as I can.
Welcome to BYC!

You will find a lot of good information here. Keep on asking questions and you will get many good answers.

You may also want to read the FAQ below.
Some pics of the flock...Sorry about the poor quality

trying out the unfinished coop

Starting to get bigger

and curious

Out in the yard with coop in background

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