M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

MsKay, Don't know where your pic went in my reply but I was saying he is a gorgeous boy & asking if he was a Buff Orpington.
Just got my first chickens- in Tupelo!

Yay! What all did you get? I've had to slow down my chicken "collecting" cause winter is coming up & I don't have room for more right now. I think you will enjoy your chickens. I know we have.
Well, it's MS. Not much happens here ever! That's why it's a great place to live!

Hubby and I raise White Indian Runners, Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds, Gold Laced Brahmas, and a few others...
Any of you Mississippi folk messed around with fermenting your chicken feed? I ask because I have recently started doing it and I have a question. Mine is about a week and a half old, has a bit of an alcohol/ sour dough smell to it. Basically if I use say a cup of the fermented feed, I return a cup of dry feed back to the fermenter. Looks great, just the smell concerns me a bit. Some of the sites I read about fermenting on says that alcohol smell is a bad thing. I am more of the opinion that if it does not have mold, you are in good shape. I mean the whole fermenting process changes everything about what you are fermenting, including the smell...... What do you guys think?
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