M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Welcome to the great state! There is a lot of bird traffic along the coast and around Hattisburg. The best way to sell, buy, see, get advice on birds is to join the Facebook group " Ms poultry swap". There are people from the coast to north MS where I am. If you have any trouble finding it let me know. There is a lady on the coast who has tons of Silkies, any Silkie question she can answer. Check it out.
Just do a search on Facebook, you should find it. And sophiesmith, i am in Coldwater and work n Horn Lake
Welcome to the Madness!!!!
Thank you! I'm so excited. I am Crystal and my husband is Jamie. Our little helper is Cadie and we are starting our flock. So far we have 9 red pullets from TSC. Working on adding some Buff Orpingtons and silver laced Wyandottes.

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