M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Home sick from work. Been online looking for more chickens.
. They are better than TV.

Hi Gena! I understand! I've only had my chickens for a few weeks, and I'm in Love! Lol.. They are such great stress relievers! They are fun to watch, and getting that FIRST egg is awesome! Good luck and welcome!
we have 9 baby chicks that we got from TSC in Batesville in a brooder right now. However, my husband and I have pretty much decided that we are "instant gratification" kinda people and that we don't have the patience to wait on these to grow up and start laying before we get our first egg! Hahaha
so, we are currently searching for a few laying hens to go ahead and put in the coop. My DH built be an awesome coop and its so depressing to see it empty! The babies are currently living in our dining room! (Spoiled)
I got my chickens from a guy in pearl river! They were all around 9 months old, and ready to lay! I have number still if you want it? He has several kinds! I got 12 hens all together and 3 roosters from him. Then I got a americauna rooster a coulpe weeks ago to put with 1 hen the others were beating up! So now her and him have a place together. She's my favorite hen, she's a white leghorn, and very sweet!
we have 9 baby chicks that we got from TSC in Batesville in a brooder right now. However, my husband and I have pretty much decided that we are "instant gratification" kinda people and that we don't have the patience to wait on these to grow up and start laying before we get our first egg! Hahaha
so, we are currently searching for a few laying hens to go ahead and put in the coop. My DH built be an awesome coop and its so depressing to see it empty! The babies are currently living in our dining room! (Spoiled)

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