M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Hey everybody! I haven't posted in this thread for a while and I don't recognize anybody from the last few pages, so I'll reintroduce myself. I'm Mandi :) I live in Polkville, MS (central state). Right now we have two dogs (catahoula and lab), 5 plymouth rock hens and a mini rex bunny with 7 kits!

Does anybody breed meat rabbits? DH and I have talked with our neighbors about going in together and getting a few, just for ourselves. Not sure which breed to go with or where to find some breeding stock nearby.

Also, I'm really considering getting a second flock soon. I wanna try a new breed, just not sure what yet.
Hi Mandy

Lots of people are exploring raising meat rabbits for their families. A great resource I've found is on facebook, it's a group from across the country you can ask to join, check out their page "backyard meat rabbits"


Let everyone out in the yard today
Hello, I live in Southaven. I've had chickens for three years but I've just joined BYC. I have one barred rock, one speckled sussex, three buff orpingtons, four black australorps, two partridge rocks, six ameraucanas, and one easter egger/olive egger.
Welcome BYC. I'm from Batesville about 30 min. south of you on I-55. Do you know of any chicken people your way who sell chickens?
Okay I've had an interesting week so far, Saturday we sold our leghorns to a guy who needed them for 2 movies. A Bonnie and Clyde documentary on the
History channel and a new movie called Mazerunner. So if you see the movies the huge rooster was
Jaugernaut. And last night our quail eggs started hatching. So far we've lost just one, it broke the egg and then died. Is that a normal thing. It broke my
It got so far then was gone!!! It's so sad!!!!!! :(

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