M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

hey, 2dream! Great to see you again!!!!! Welcome back!!!!
Hi everyone, I'm in Waynesboro, Ms. . We are fairly new to chickens. Have raised about 60 chickens we purchased from local feed store back in April when they ordered from Ideal in Tx . They are just starting to lay this last month. We have BO,BA,RIR,BR,SS,SLW,silkies,polish and a few EE. I really enjoy this site also, so much information for us newbies.
Hello Gang

Wow this is an old and dead thread, but I've been 'zombifying' threads since Al Gore invented the internet! That's resurrecting dead threads for the uninitiated. Wanted to say hello and that I'm in Attala Co. MS just north of Kosciusko on Hwy 43. For a better reference that's about 22 miles due east of Durant located along I-55 North.

I'm a United Methodist minister and just moved to this area over the summer, we're appointed to 1 year terms, this is my first appointment. If history serves as a guide I'll be here 4-6 years! Moved here from Clinton MS and am LOVING the country living, watching deer in the front yard, rabbits in the back, and pondering how I'm gonna protect my garden this spring!

As for chickens, as of Oct. 21st 2009 I don't have any... YET! I'm planning coops, tractors, and such, just built an incubator. Should get started before the year's out. I'm currently planning my flock options, looking at Minorca, Welsummer, Delaware, Hamburg, RIR, and Leghorn (Brown & White). Does anyone within a reasonable distance/north/central MS have any of these breeds for sale? I'm also looking into having a hobby flock of bantam Rosecomb or Seabright... or some such.

Almost forgot, does ANYONE CLOSE BY, ANYONE!!! have fertile hatching eggs of ANY breed I could purchase? I'm looking for an inexpensive first run with the incubator so what type of chickens is far less important than getting a couple of test runs in before spending a 'meaningful' amount of money on more 'desirable' breeds. I'd be glad to return the chicks too you if you're close enough, or we could work something out, who knows you might have something that appeals too me.

Phillip M.
Attala Co. MS
[email protected]
Hi and welcome. I have fertile eggs if breeds don't matter. I have cornish bantums and silkies. I keep my Silkies seperated from my other birds but my cornish have two mixed breed (silkie/cornish mix) hens in with them. My EE's have 4 Iowa Blue hens mixed in with them as well and my Rooster is an EE/Iowa Blue cross.

I live in Rankin County on Hwy 25 close to Pisgah. Not to terribly far from Kosciusko. If interested in some test eggs I can spare some free of charge. Just PM me and let me know if you are interested. I have a silke hen sitting on eggs right now so I have been shoving eggs under her. Her nest is full so I won't be doing that any more and will gladly give you a couple of dozen eggs to test.
Welcome to BYC!
I live in south MS now but am originally from Clinton and my Mom and brother still live there as we first built there in 1960. I certainly have eggs to offer, but I see that you have plenty of folks willing to help that are closer to you. If you specifically want Rhode Island Red eggs, though, I'll be happy to meet you half way. Welcome, again!
Hope it's not a bad thing to rekindle old threads here!! Just saying hello from Grenada, Ms. No chickens, just quail (BWs). Started fooling with them back in the early summer, and love it.

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