M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Or they need to be more talkative
Just lookin' for some Missippy folks that raise Bobwhites. I'm just gettin' into it, and I can see it's gonna be an obsession!! By the way 2dream, I like that avatar..........Gotta be only in Missippy
Who'd have thought snow load would ever be an issue in So. Mississippi! When I went out this AM I had to spend extra time in the cold knocking snow out of the netting and shade fabric over the run. Vern usually busts out of the coop hops on a perch and crows to let the world know it's morning. Today he stayed inside growling. Snow surely is pretty--hope it's gone by noon!!!
hey yall mississippi folks, i'm from rite across the big river at Helena, AR..

do any of ya have, or know where i can git some single comb brown leghorns, or buff leghorns, from say about greenville, and up?

Does anyone know what the chicken laws are, if any, in the city of Greenwood? I'm headed that way when I get my MO house sold.

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