M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

All of the birds i raise can be found in my signature. I used to own American games by the hundreds, but got rid of them three years ago and only kept a cock and some hens to run the yard, will be getting a Shamo pullet to go with the young rooster i got now and some Harold brown (American game) Greys (golden duckwings) later this year. Maybe some thai gamefowl too!

Spunky~Chick~Mom That's a nice list. I Love my Speckled Sussex too, even the roos are friendly. One part of me would get me a big variety like that but the other likes to have all the pure breeds to be separate and that would take too much space. Love all my birds though. Thinking about getting one of those hatchery specials with the different breeds and just put them with my crosses. I have thought about getting Brahmas too but where I live....when it rains it is like a river and there is so much mud. So I just figured clean legs are the way to go here.
JP33 Yeah that's about how far out I want to be. Everything has went up since the annex and still no city water or waste, but garbage (which the price went up), higher taxes, and more sirens. You have bees...that's neat. I have know a few people that have had bees at one time or another. I don't think I could talk my husband into that. I have dogs, cats, tropical fish (which he said no
), all the chickens. Had ducks before but they caused such a mess so the went to a home with a pond. He let me get them just for meat. I said ok that he would do the killing and I would do everything else. When it was time he had got attached to them so we never ate duck.
DTchickensI had to get rid of a lot of mine too. Most got practically given away. Nobody wanted the roos but only hens and only wanted to pay $5-$10 each. That was the worst day I ever had through my whole chicken raising life. It went from all day in the chicken yard to about 10 mins. It did take around 2 hours just to water everyone, now it's just a few mins. I still personally think that they are the most beautiful. I to think the rest of my chickens are pretty/beautiful but to me they have nothing on the Games.
I'm starting to get excited about my EEs that I got Dec. 3rd of last year. They are almost 3months old. But sadly they are smaller than what they are supposed to be at their age. I think it is from the hard freeze that we had and all the cold and crazy weather, because I originally had 25 and now down to 8 but no death since Jan 23rd. I am pretty sure I have 3 pullets and 5 stags. Not a very good ratio but I did order more that were hatched Jan 20th. I have 24 out of 25 so I have my fingers crossed. But it looks like I might get luck and get 75% pullets. I have already figured out 5 stags though. Oh well, I enjoy learning how they grow. I guess I will have to sell the extras for cheap ($5) or give to friends, if not I will have to figure out a good slaughter age. It's not time yet but I know it is going to be hard to choose. There are just so many colors.
but that's what I got them for
My Pomeranian should have her pups soon too. I'm going to have a lot to do soon. Lack of sleep here I come.
They are located on the coast. Not exactly sure where because my wife called them for me when I was
looking to get some plastic egg trays for 1 of my sportsman incubators.
Were a little pricey for me at the time so I just went with cardboard egg cartons. Didn't really look but
did they have pretty reasonable prices on chicks?
JP, next time you head up to Brookhaven stop by and see the new chicks. Have 22 just hatched and
54 lockdowned for a Tue.-Wed. hatch. Then about 90 to hatch the next week.
Oh, for you Mississippi folks I live in Kentwood and my wifes family is from Wiggins,Ms.
Hi! Does anyone know who to contact in Mississippi to become N.P.I.P. tested and certified? I found a listing of contacts on the net for each state and after two weeks I still have not received a reply. I was thinking this maybe an old outdated list and maybe someone on here would know.
Southern Farm Hatchery seems to have reasonable prices on chicks but looks like they only have 6 different breeds. I have not looked into it much since. Ideal Poultry has the cheapest so far, but theirs are real close.
Just curious I did a small research on a breed called Legbar but don't know if they are even in the USA. My reason is I want to get one more breed but not sure what to pick. I only need one breed so I can still breed and don't get over crowded.
All of the standard poultry (not including my games) are straight comb and it has been difficult this year trying to keep those big comb from getting frostbite. I thought I was getting out of dubbing but now I think I will have to start back.

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