M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Montgomery County is right about half-way between Jackson and Memphis, up I-55. Where is Perry?
Hi! Chanda! Perry County is in the southern portion of the state. We're about an hours drive away from the coast and about an hour and a half from Jackson.
Hey Chanda and Welcome to the thread.
They are not chickens but I wanted to show off the new born puppies.
This will be my last Pom litter because I plan on getting the mother of the pups spayed. She has always had beautiful litters and for sure a small breed I think five litters is plenty.
Hello from Aberdeen. I just found this thread and was excited to see others from Mississippi. We have 8 Golden Sex Links, one Barred Rock, one EE, and a RIR rooster. And then there are 12 guineas and 1 chicken/guinea cross named Miracle. I have been writing about Miracle on a thread in the "what breed or gender" section. Also, 4 horses and a cat.

Hurry Spring!

Welcome OurLittleChickenFarm and kayzar12!

I have read and kept up with Miracle!

I'm up in the delta area....... but, I'm sure there are some around the poplarville area.

Kayzar, what kind of birds do you have???
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Hello Mississippi!

Just a reminder that there are still lots of towns and cities right here in Mississippi up for grabs in the BYC Chicken L.O.R.E. Project!

This is a massive undertaking, and everyone is encouraged to participate! Your knowledge of Chicken L.O.R.E. will earn you GFM Scratch, which are good towards new GFM Memberships, Membership extensions, or Membership gifts.

Remember - you don't have to select a city in Mississippi - cruise the selection list and choose any city still available!

Get started now! Click on the Chicken L.O.R.E. link above for all the details, and remember your Project Managers are here to help in any way we can.

Good Luck, and Thanx for Joining In!

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