M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

jnjross, I hope I'm wrong, but if you have gotten a bunch of Easter chicks, you probably have 7 roosters now. again, I hope I'm wrong....

a lot of times, that's what they do with excess roosters. Dye them and make cute little Easter chicks out of them.
I sure hope ya'll made it through the storms alright.
I was going to move my chicks outside tomorrow if it was dry but I'm guessing that won't be the case.
I'm concerned about jmhappycowboy in Canton. He has a bator full of chicks due to hatch tomorrow! I hope everyone here survived this awful storm. Are any of you without power? We still have power, but most of Clinton, MS is in the dark and much of the actual town of Raymond, too. I'm out in the country from Raymond, and most out my way still have power.
Hey Debbie thanks for the concern but we are all doing ok over here. We never lost power and no damage other than just a few scratches on the vehicles where limbs where blown on them. We where really lucky compared to many around us. Hope everyone else is doing well also.

Great news, James! Did you know chickens could swim?
I found out today. I was stuck in the coop when the worst of the wind and rain hit here. My poor mom and DH were worried sick because they kept trying to call me to warn me of the tornado watches. I returned both their calls when I finally made it back to the house just to receive two tongue lashings! That's the only damage I suffered here today.
I have some eggs in the bator too. The electricity was only out here for a few hours and they had only been in there for 6 days. Think they're ok? I could candle them but this is only my 2nd hatch and I wouldn't know what to look for. Ya'll stay safe.

Wow, I can't believe I have not seen this thread before. I am always complaining that I can't find any MS people.

I am in Summit (southwest MS).

I'm glad to hear everyone did alright during the storm. We didn't have it bad this far south. Just some thunder & rain.

I am really wanting an EE pullet or hen if anyone has one for sale or trade, let me know.

So glad to see all of you!


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