M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Anyone ever find out if there are any blue orpington breeders in Mississippi? Relocating to Jones County soon-- anyone know of any reputable breeders in that area with a good selection of pullets and young roosters? Or should I wait until next spring and just get chicks? Opinions?

I'm in Jones Co. too! :) I don't know of any Blue Orps but I know a few people with Lavender Orps. HinkJC on here has some beautiful black, blue, and lav orps that you could hatch. There is a really nice guy in Sandersville (north jones co) that sells chicks at the feed store almost every fri and sat. He has some beautiful Buff Orps.
Thanks y'all!
@Snooglerat--thanks for the info!
@jbwells-- I just might travel that far for a lavender orp. I told my husband about you being in North MS and I said "but we wouldn't travel that far for a chicken." He just laughed at me and said, "you know you would." :)
I have 10 that i hatched last week, 3 of them are sold, and am locking down an incubator today that probably has 25 or so in it. like i said, hatching them all the time. this fall i will have the lemon cuckoo orpingtons also. we are going for the color wheel. have black orp eggs in, white orp eggs on the way, already have tons of buff, and.....i have 3 jubilee orpington eggs bought but wont get them until the end of the month. will have to be super careful with them, would love for all to hatch but if i can just get a hen and a rooster i will be so excited!
we shall see. i only have 3 eggs coming and i am terrified i will screw the incubation up. odds of actually hatching 2 out of 3 and get a hen and a rooster? ??? i run three incubators all the time and just scared to death.LOL
Aww have faith! You can doooo eeeett! Lol

My lavs are good, except they have the fowl pox. It's not bad. Only two have it and they only have two scabs each but still, I do not like my chickens looking not perfect :( They are also molting. So they are at the point of lay but molting and have acne , lol. How are all your chickens???
now that is some funny descrptions there. all are well, the heat did get a couple and has slowed the laying way down. hatched our first mille de fluer bantam cochin last week. my trio just started laying so it is a big deal to us. lol. i have started taking milk jugs and filling them with water , freezing them. put it in their water bowls with the cap off to give them a steady suppply of cold water, seems to help. have silkies and lavs hatching right now. friday lock down will have black orpingtons so keep your fingers crossed for me. should have some giant cochin frizzle hatch thursday if the eggs made it ok through the mail. the giants are my wifes favorite. she has a blue roo and hen and we have 8 splash. started some barred eggs last week. my white orp eggs should be coming in this week also. constant motion around here. lol
I want some Mille Fleur Cochins eventually , I think they are so pretty. I have some 2 week old barred rocks we just hatched and I set some speckled sussex, salmon faverolles, and ameracaunas eggs today :) I want to find some jubilee orps!

I have also been putting ice jugs out for the chickens. They are barely laying. I'll be looking forward to a little cooler weather and having my eggs back.

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