M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

would love for you to come check out the birds anytime you want my dear. i tried getting the white eggsremeber and that fell through also. oh i will keep at it, trust me
so the guy with the whites looks like he might be headed to my neck of the woods. we have trade days in Coldwater three times a year and i think he may come set up here. I have some red pyle game hens he is wanting now also so more to lure him this way. our local county fair is having a poultry show the same weekend and we are going to let our daughter enter in 9 catatgories. should be a fun weekend. i just have to get busy and build her some show cages. lol. keep your fingers crossed for us. i am afraid we might be the only ones entering this show but i dont care, she will still be super proud. if any of you are on the facebook sites for Ms go check out the t shirts we had made up, they are funny !
Welcome Jojon!
So I've got a few eggs in the incubator that will lockdown tomorrow. I had ordered 12 Mille Fleur d'Uccle eggs and then set 21 "farm fresh eggs" from a local craigslist ad with them. Sadly only one of the shipped eggs has made it this far and 18 of the local eggs are still doing well.

I really want to find some Mille Fleur d'Uccle fertile eggs from a local source to put in my incubator. Does anybody know where I can find some in central MS?
MajorJC I know a lady in Taylorsville that sells Mille hatching eggs. I'm unsure how far away that is for you. Do you have Facebook? There are several Miss hatching egg groups there.
don't feel bad. i have had very bad luck with ordered eggs this summer. i mean terrible luck! i was goingto suggest the same thing about facebook. let me see if i can post a link but there is a group called "happy hatchers of central Mississippi" all people in your area. i guarentee you they will help you find some of those eggs. well i cant copy itfrom here but check it out

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