M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Hi ya'll! Newbie poster from the Tupelo area. My daughter's second grade class hatched some chicks last spring and anyone could bring a chick home if the parents gave permission. I said ask your dad, KNOWING that he would say no. (He didn't say no.) Against my better judgement my daughter brought home a baby chick who squawked all the time. So what did we do? Get another to keep it company! lol! Unfortunantly, we lost those two babies, and my daughter was heartbroken. I got her a couple of chicks at the feed store, and they are now flourishing. Hubby knows someone who has a chicken house, and he gave us a little rooster. I don't know exactly what they are. But out two little ladies have started laying eggs. I never thought I could get so attached to chickens. I adore them!
haha, Yeah chickens are addicting!. im in the Bailey area (Kemper), Raise Old english game bantams. oh and

welcome to the forum :}

Hey Southernlady,
KristenH lives there in Tupelo also if you need to get any more chickens. (or ducks, turkeys, guineas and rabbits too)

I got my first ever chickens from her last year.

Welcome to the addiction.

Hi y'all! I am in south Mississippi.

Jackson County in a little place called Wade, just north of Hurley.

I was hoping to find some BYC folks down my way. I would like to add to my little family of hens and though it would be better to buy from one of the great folks on this forum.

Thanks to all!
Thanks for the welcome. I'm not looking to extend my little fowl family just yet. I'm still learning and what a fun learning adventure it's been. My chickens are so funny. I love just sitting outside watching them. Hope everyone has a good day!
Nice to see more Mississippi folks on the forum.

I am Marie and I live in Grenada in North Central MS. Very nice to meet you all. You will love this forum.

Well - Southerlady - welcome to this forum. Here you will find a vast amount of infomation. On top of all that there are some really nice folks. Please feel free to start a thread if you have a problem, question or rant.

Most of all - Have Fun!

By the way I am in the south part of the state in Jackson County in a little place called Wade, about 40 miles north east from Biloxi.
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