Madam Zelda's photo shoot

Simply Marvelous!
I Loved It !
The most fun part of the story (which wasn't printed) is that Zelda is a rescue. She was confiscated by Metro Animal Services from a very neglectful situation and was not expected to live. Because city shelters don't know much about poultry, they called to ask if I wanted her. That was 3 years ago and she has healed nicely in nearly every regard. (Blind in her right eye, though.)

Unfortunately, Madam Zelda is quite psychotic and afraid of absolutely everything except me. She's terrified of the other chickens, especially the banty rooster. To accommodate her, we built Zelda her own condo within the aviary. She can be near the other birds, but they are separated by a fence. Zelda has her own little yard, a covered loft apartment with feed and water, and her hooded kitty litter nesting box that she just adores. Maybe I'm just as crazy as she is, because I can't think of too many chicken-lovers who would go this far for a hen. Oh well, what goes around, comes around, right?

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