MadamPoofyBrow's Super Awesome Chat Thread!

I'm about to ask the stupidest question of all time! What's that thing that's where wattles are on a chicken called on a turkey? I know the snood, but is it called the wattle??? I wondered about that earlier while I was rubbing Mr. Turkey there. He REALLY liked it, and fell asleep and everything :-D I have researched all about turkeys, and thought I was well educated. Then, one of the simplest things, has me stumped, lol!

Here's a pic of his back, he's very pretty. I've been working on getting him cleaner. He's very tame, and walks right up to me. When I set him in my lap he lays down and loves being petted :-D

Here's his ugly...I mean...beautiful
head, with the mysterious wattle thing.

He loves the camera. He walks around like a peahen. I've yet to see him strut, but I have heard him gobble so I'm confident he's a tom (this is the only time I'd be horrified to get a hen, lol!) the breeder said they could tell, but after meeting them and seeing the poor turkey's living conditions I wasn't so confident in them anymore
But he does gobble, and I've heard that's like crowing for turkeys

And, standing up tall. Anyone know why his face changes from bright red to pink repeatedly? Is it a mood thing? He seems to get brighter when he's startled.
A www he's so cute! Sorry, I know nothing about turkeys other than that they taste good. :p maybe the changeling color is cause by hormones or something??
Aww madam I am so jealous!!! I've wanted a penciled palm since I heard about them. Sorry, but at the moment I cannot think of the word for the floppy red thing above his beak (aarg!!!) but watch when he eats or after he is just calming down it shrinks. Its the weirdest thing. I have three blue slates, my palm died.
I honestly had no idea penciled palms existed until yesterday, lol! The ad said they were royal palms, and the breeder promised they were pure. Looked him up, and he's a penciled palm. Pure (I think, I saw the pair) but NOT a royal palm. I honestly think the penciled are cooler though :-D
He is the sweetest little turkey EVER!
My friends have several turkeys. They say that the comb part changes colors due to mating. Certain colors indicate either coming into mating season or out of it. In SC,turkey hunting season is in the spring. So this is also near mating season. I think it's more purplish near mating season. Is he going to grow or is that is full grown size? My Wilson is better. I got her an eye ointment and an antibiotic. She's making progress. Please pray for her and her flock mates. I'll try to be on more. As I stated on Silkies thread,my goats near kidding!
Woot woot!!!
Also...I turkey hunt so I do know that the gobble is actually a mating call. The hens will make a shrill kinda scratching call. Then,the Tom,or Jake,will answer back with a gobble. As to say,I hear you,where are you? And they'll continue this back and forth so that he can locate her general area. When she's "in heat" if you would,she'll make her similar sound but in like a "skipping "type manner. It's pretty cool. Yup wattle works!!! My husband would know of any other names.....I'll ask.
He is about half grown. His daddy was big, but not quite as stout as the bronze they had their. I think Mr. Turkey's underweight, I can feel every single bone in his body. From what little I saw of him and his siblings, he was at the bottom of the pecking order and s big bronze he lived with seemed to be guarding the food bowl

Will he not gobble and strut much because he's the only turkey? That may be a good thing cause our neighbor turkey hunts and I don't mind him doing it at all, but that's partly why I got a white one cause the bronze ones look just like wild ones and I don't want him to be mistaken for one of the wild ones at s distance
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