MadamPoofyBrow's Super Awesome Chat Thread!

Nothin much :-D

Any advice what age to start letting chicks free range? I've got 38 1 and a half week olds right now, and they're pretty big already. Eight weeks? Ten? I'll get some pics later, they're cute :-D They'll live with other hens and a few big roosters, who will probably protect them at least a little.

I waited until mine were 15 weeks.
Sorry I've been neglecting my thread

Been super busy, but now I'm back!
I have a hen that sounds like a goose all the time

She's raising chicks right now and I was very surprise when she honked and the babies ran up like she was calling them!

Then I went and set another batch of eggs, to hatch in a couple of weeks. I just can't quit

I've heard ducks are messy, but I still want some! Other than the mess, how hard are they? Do you seriously need an entire lake, or will a little kid pool work??? Love their names!!!!!
Ok cool. That gives me hope that she IS a hen. And her colds going away. Me neither! It's addicting. They're actually easy. We have three creeks,but I didn't want them out in the woods all alone. Plus,they love hanging out with the chickens. So that's exactly what I bought!!!!! Lol two kiddie pools!!!! Plastic so they can't tear it. They have np pooping up those either!!!! Gross I tell ya!
Awesome! We have two creeks, but they're WAY back up in our woods. I'm tryna talk everyone into ducks currently

I can imagine! That would be so gross :p At least chickens have a little bit of manners about where they poop. A LITTLE bit

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