made some add-ons to the coop *PICS *


12 Years
Nov 20, 2007
Glendale, AZ
well I have been doing alot of remodling and painting the inside of our house - and I had some ols shutters that I was using for shelves above my windows in the bedroom - but wanted a new look in there.
so I figured the chickens might like them to play on

here is one of them - this one is low because of the windows also I have " full figured girls" and thought this would be good for them


this one is alittle higher - the banty's and the EE's like this one - they also like to sit under it


and here is Tess - showing how they love the new perches - she is on the higher of the two

the shutters were painted in the open postion so if the girls poop on them hopfully they will be easy to keep clean

Hey, now THAT is a right fine idea! Don't you love it when you can see another use for something? Everyone wins, and the landfills are less full as a result, too! I'll keep this in mind! Smart cookie!
the girls are loving thier new perches - to bad the wild birds are liking them also
in the second I noticed all the wild bird poop from the tree above the coop - oh well just more poop to clean

my girls are better than a goat when it comes to clearing out grass ! Dh was wondering how he would mow the grass in the chicken run when we first got here - after a few weeks of the girls being in there - DH knows now not to bother LOL

I am looking for a few more of these old shutters I want to add them to the inside of the coop also -instead of regular perches - they might be pretty comphy ??


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