Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Just figured out what woke me up at 12:15AM.... a 6.9 earthquake just 300 some odd miles south of us in Mexico.

So do I. I have never had a duck.

Definitely a great hatchalong!! :) (Although I have too many chicks now LOL).

I have never had a duck either and at the moment, no plans to. It's enough trouble keeping water thawed and cleaning poo for chickens, ducks just adds another layer of work and mess. :p
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We'll have eggs here any day, now.

And featherz... I'm actually contemplating getting rid of my ducks after this fall. Getting rid of as in eating them all.

It was such a giant pain last winter, and they were only out there half the winter. I had to go out with buckets of hot water to try and unfreeze the pool, with a hammer chip away at it. I could probably get a heater unit for the pool, which I'll do if I keep them over winter again. But they make an ungodly mess, poop and mud and water everywhere. Plus it's an extra place I have to shovel snow out of. Which is hard to do when they make ice out of snow.
Kindred spirits? Reminded me of Anne of Green Gables.

I thought nothing was worse than red hair. Green. Green is much worse.
Honestly have never read that one. I know most people do when they are young, but that is one that I never got around to reading. We did have to read the Scarlet Letter though. I always wanted to go into that town and
the "menfolk."
I don't know about the chick with the distended belly. My late hatcher chick has a lump under it's belly (navel area?) that is pink and exposed. Maybe this is normal, but the other chicks don't have it. He is screeching his distress call as I write this. I haven't been home much to observe him, but he is starting to run around some and I did see him eat a little, but he does not grow. Maybe he is growing ever so slowly, but the others look huge in comparison.

Asparagus won't be ready until just after Mother's Day here. DH has been getting some crazy ideas since he bought a tractor, and we have 250 asparagus plants arriving in May!
Buckabucka I would keep an eye on that navel area to make sure it is not getting infected. If it starts looking a little red and swollen, I would clean it with some betadine mixed with water and maybe put some triple antiseptic ointment on it. If it looks like it is not infected, I would just leave it. My little one with the bandaid hobbles is growing slowly as well, but I pulled the bandaid off yesterday. His stance is a little wider than usual but he is moving around a lot more now and eating more so I figure he will catch up with the others. I have a black chick that likes to cry (I can hear it right now) for no apparent reason. Might just be a "crybaby". I have checked him and nothing is going on, he is growing fine just likes to cry.

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