Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

I have a PIP!!!! So incredibly excited!

....and here I thought that MN would make me take up the rear on this hatch... :)
I want to start by saying that none of my Day-19-set-on-Saturday-the-17th eggs have pipped or done anything yet. They are just normal, Day 19 eggs.
After pulling the clears and quitters, that group is down to 8 eggs: 3 Blue Birchen Marans, 2 Brown Leghorns, and 3 more mutts from my flock.

I locked down 21 eggs on Monday: 12 Basques and some mutts from my own flock and the swap on Monday. They started pipping last night! So far, 5 swap/my flock chicks are out and so are 7 Basques! Two Basques had a tough time hatching and required some help. They had some of the strangest air cells after shipping, but seem to be doing alright. One of those might have a crooked toe, but I'm going to give him some time before making that determination and making him a little boot. One more Basque and one more mutt are pipped, leaving 4 Basques, 1 EE/SS cross, 2 swap mutts, and 1 Dutch Bantam, the only surviving egg from that shipped package, so I don't have high hopes.

It's a bit stressful, but mostly very exciting!!! I noticed I am much more laid back - but having just as much fun - compared to last year when I was hatching for the first couple of times.

I love seeing my sweet little fuffy pancakes peeking out from under the EcoGlow! I didn't remember that any of my swap eggs would be wheaten, so I have one little chick who is masquerading as a Basque but is really a Marans mix! I think I know who, but I'll have to wait until they come out from under the EcoGlow to be sure.

The EOs are awfully cute so far. I can't wait to know them better, and I have 7 and counting!

What I woke to this morning: (blondie is a Basque and chipmunk is Speckled Sussex)

There are 11 under the brooder, 1 drying off in the incubator, and 2 current pips:
My little mystery chick is now in the brooder. Currently I have 3 more pips... an olive egg, another mystery brown egg and a Gold laced Polish all from mrheinz77. Nada from my BLRW eggs yet.
I'm hoping to have my bators cleaned up and stored until December by Sunday evening....

I don't know why I keep the hovabator... but hey, I hatched a few chicks out of it! (14 so far!)

Got home at 1700, first stop, incubator, atleast 8 pips that I can see without opening the door.

I can hear chirping, and I can see some rocking going on.

These BSL eggs were bred right here on the place. Cross between some fine RIR roosters and some hatchery BR hens.

I am very excited by my successful hatch. Going to raise a few of these hens out just to see how they produce.
Sounds like a fun project!!

Oh, and I may have ordered some German New Hampshires to set early next week.

(I am so excited!!!

I've been wondering what is similar or different between the German NH and reg NH.. Very curious.

I need some coffee!!

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