Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

none of my eggs have pipped or anything :( I'm really disappointed. I don't know what I did wrong. Congrats on all the chicks :)

Not all is lost! I have one incubator that must have been low in temp because I just now started seeing pips - those might not hatch until tomorrow! Oh, and I started earlier in the morning than most people so these are definitely late.
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I discovered a very small egg partially zipped at the wrong end, so the chick was standing on its head in the carton and could not hatch. LOL I set it upright and finished the zip for it, [looked like it was trying to turn in the shell and re-orientate] so there are now 2 sitting in half shells, 22 in the brooder, and 15 eggs showing no signs of trying to hatch.


THis is a great way to promote chickens and involve kids, too. Great idea!!

I had an unplugged bator for a bit...a long bit.....I thought I lost my eggs but upon opening one today i found a live chick. But it looked too early..and I lost it......if the temps got low would it make the hatch run later than normal? How late if so? Any input appreciated here. I had more eggs to put in but have to get these hatched and out I am wondering how late this could go.

Mine are runnng late too, due to fluctuations in the house temps from 60-70, and my LG can't keep up. ARGGGG........... they get here when they get here.

We enjoy the multicolored birds--like Easter candy! Gotta have one of everything!!

I am not sure what I am thinking. I have 28 turkey eggs waiting to go into the incubator on Sunday. These chicks better kick it into overdrive so I can get the incubator cleaned for Sunday.
My chicken eggs are running late. . . . .but my turkey eggs arrived today!!!!
Not all is lost! I have one incubator that must have been low in temp because I just now started seeing pips - those might not hatch until tomorrow! Oh, and I started earlier in the morning than most people so these are definitely late.

I hope I didn't lose these. I've never had a successful hatch with my incubator. I have with my broody hens though. I will keep hoping :)
I think one egg moved because it's in a different position than it was :)

The temp was 95-99 degrees F.
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I ended up with ten chicks. Worst hatch/not hatch ratio I have had in my Brinsea. So, something unbeknownst to me had to occur. Whether I had a temp spike, or humidity was wrong..I have no idea. My eggs all hatched, and some of the shipped eggs, but the five that made it to lockdown and then didnt make it were shipped eggs. I always consider that if they develop that far, it must have been an incubation issue, not a shipped issue.

I copied and pasted part of my post on the Michigan thread so I can share it with you all, as well.

I have my grandson. We watched the chicks hatch out of eggs. We colored eggs. Then, we tried to color chicks. hahahhahahahaha.
By the way, it doesnt work. Their feathers are dye resistant. But skin isnt. hahaha. So, my hands are pink and purple. I have one semi-pink and one semi-purple chick. I ended up with ten chicks total, and five eggs that quit for some reason before hatching. Brenden and I saved the last chick that was shrink-wrapped in its egg.

Best thing ever. Brenden is 3. He was putting stickers on a yellow egg that was cracked. (most all of them are cracked because that wire egg thing is too hard for a three year old to balance an egg on)...and he said "HELP DRAMMA!! HELP" and I said, "oh, the sticker wont stick,. Here get another sticker." and he started to cry, and said, "Noooo Dramma, its hatching"...

I said, "Nope, no chicks inside these eggs. These are eggs we can eat.: And he didnt believe me, so he peeled it open. and then said, very happily, " Nope. Egg in here." He was so relieved. Then demanded that my husband eat it.
I ended up with ten chicks. Worst hatch/not hatch ratio I have had in my Brinsea. So, something unbeknownst to me had to occur. Whether I had a temp spike, or humidity was wrong..I have no idea. My eggs all hatched, and some of the shipped eggs, but the five that made it to lockdown and then didnt make it were shipped eggs. I always consider that if they develop that far, it must have been an incubation issue, not a shipped issue.

I copied and pasted part of my post on the Michigan thread so I can share it with you all, as well.

I have my grandson. We watched the chicks hatch out of eggs. We colored eggs. Then, we tried to color chicks. hahahhahahahaha.
By the way, it doesnt work. Their feathers are dye resistant. But skin isnt. hahaha. So, my hands are pink and purple. I have one semi-pink and one semi-purple chick. I ended up with ten chicks total, and five eggs that quit for some reason before hatching. Brenden and I saved the last chick that was shrink-wrapped in its egg.

Best thing ever. Brenden is 3. He was putting stickers on a yellow egg that was cracked. (most all of them are cracked because that wire egg thing is too hard for a three year old to balance an egg on)...and he said "HELP DRAMMA!! HELP" and I said, "oh, the sticker wont stick,. Here get another sticker." and he started to cry, and said, "Noooo Dramma, its hatching"...

I said, "Nope, no chicks inside these eggs. These are eggs we can eat.: And he didnt believe me, so he peeled it open. and then said, very happily, " Nope. Egg in here." He was so relieved. Then demanded that my husband eat it.
That is so cute. My 4 year old has to listen to any eggs that come from the coop just to make sure there isn't a chick.
8 SILKIES OUT!!!!!!!!!! there are 73 eggs in lockdown and i have 8 out so far and 2 starting to zip and several pips that is just in incubator 2 in incubator 1 there are no chicks or pips yet

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