Mahonri's 3rd Annual, BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

Renee I think I just got a blue or black chick from one of the SA eggs.
Just had a really big chick hatch from one of my Brahma eggs. It is all black. I wonder who the daddy is
I hope it has feathered shanks
ChestnutRidge, can you get some of that baby parrot food that Renee suggests for your little chick? I am wondering if that would help perk it up some?
Fantastic idea! I bet the pet store in town would have some. Thanks!!!

Just saw the rest of the posts... I'll go take some pics right now.

And I have a Blue Birchen Marans zipper!
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Just leave it. It will eventually fall off, but he may be able to absorb some more nutrients in the meantime. If other chicks start pecking at it, you can isolate him by putting him in a little cup or something.
I had one come out with some yellowish goo stuck to his but.. Is that the yolk? Should I be worried/do anything?

That is the yolk sac and it is usually absorbed into their belly around the time they hatch (just before). Leave it alone. And no, don't worry. One of mine yesterday looked like it hadn't absorbed anything yet. After a few hours, totally normal chick, all fluffed up and yolk sac gone. Good luck and congrats.
Well, I have 14 healthy chicks out of 28 eggs put into lockdown. I don't see any more action. I candled a couple to see if they had pipped into the airsack, saw nothing heard nothing. I have been reading the "hatching problem" pages that Kathyinmo posts at the bottom in her signature area. I can't for the life of me figure out what went wrong. They all have good air pockets, they all looked good when put into lockdown. They did start to come early, but they came in a bunch, except for one 'also ran' that came last night. My temps were a constant 100. 2 to 100.4 (hovabator 1588 w/ auto turner) during incubation. Hatching temps were about 99 - 100 and humidity about 55 - 60%. If anyone has any ideas, I am very welcome to hearing them. This is one of my lowest hatch percentages in a very long time. I thought the full moon was supposed to help.

I guess the only thing to do is start another crop. Try, try again. I don't know how anyone gets 100% Even broodies average 86%. I apologize - sour grapes.
Well nothing here and I am +1 hour 52 mins from noon here. (GMT) I have had a nightmare with my shipped eggs, but thankfully the seller has generously offered to send me half as many again as a goodwill gesture. I have cleaned out my brooder and checked my heat lamp is working but not bothered to set it all up until I at least see a pip. I can't hear anything coming from the bator so we'll cross fingers and hope. I am expecting a 0/24 hatch. Be the first time I have EVER got uner 70% rates on a batch. Will quickly spray and candle tonight see if anything is still moving if I have no pips by 10pm. Goes against my regular method, but I had a dozen duck eggs and a load of goose eggs (still haven't counted them yet) dropped off last night so will have to clear out the bator if they are all dud. No idea how fresh the waterfowl eggs are and they are being hatched for someone else so we'll see how they get on. Am fairly tempted to stick the 12 duck eggs under my broody brahma to be honest.
Final count------

29 chicks in the brooder.

If this sexlink thing works, 17 pullets, 12 cockerels.

True hatch ratio, live hatch/set eggs, 29/36 = 80%

Of the 7 eggs not hatched 6 were removed prior to lock down, either infertile-never developed, or quit. Of the eggs that made it to lock down 29 out of 30 live hatch.

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