Mail order chicks

I ordered mine from Murray McMurray. 15 chicks: 9 Red Stars and 6 Buff Orpingtons. All arrived healthy, happy, and thankfully, very much alive. They started right away after dipping their beaks, to drinking, eating, and playing "keep away" with the pieces of shavings they dug up from the side of the brooder (I had put paper towels down over the shavings initially). They are now almost two weeks old and still doing great. I had one Buff with pasty butt, but it cleared right up after I added ACV to the water.
I'm getting mine from mcmurray and I'm praying that they are all alive and hopefully the right sex
Becuase I ordered 4 buff orpingtons, 4 barred rocks, and 4 black austrolorp s <------hens
And my dad is getting 20 Cornish cross<------- roosters
Plus a mystery chick which I'm hoping is a a hen
But before we got them from the third grade hatchlings and from a local store
I use Welp hatchery for Cornish X. I would use them for everything, but they won't ship layers with their Cornish X and I don't want to get shipments of 25 layers. When I ordered 25 Cornish X from Welp, they sent 26 and one died. It didn't die due to a shipping issue though, it seemed to have some developmental issues. It was like 1/3rd of the size of the other chicks. My current batch of Cornish X is 5.5 weeks old now and not a single one has died since that first one.

I recently ordered 10 layers from Ideal Hatchery and all ten came in perfectly healthy. They're a week and a half old now and I haven't had a single loss.

In my opinion, Welp and Ideal have the best prices on small orders when you factor in cost of shipping. I spent hours and hours researching to make that determination.
My mystery chick from McMurry is a polish hen :)

I've ordered from McMurry and Hover. Hover had more colorful Ameraucana hens. I had better luck with the McMurry chicks, all lived even all the extras - I had a big order.
I ordered 15 Black Sex Link pullets from Hoffman Hatchery and just received my birds yesterday. They were shipped from Texas probably from Ideal since they came from the county Ideal is in. I am in VA so Hoffman was the closest hatchery and they claim to practice very strict biosecurity. I was disappointed that they did not hatch the birds. I could have ordered direct from Ideal and paid less and could have used Paypal instead of snail mail. All my birds arrived alive 2 days after they were shipped and I got 14 BSL and 1 mystery chick with a red head and beak with a dark gey body and pink feet. I am hoping it is an Easter Egger pullet. I ordered ducklings this year from Stromberg that were sent from Cackles zip code. I got 16 and by the time they turned 3 weeks 10 had died and later a snake killed one. Metzer is where I would probably order ducklings from if I had a chance to do it over again. They give their birds grogel in the box so they have something to sustain them on their journey from CA.

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