Maine chicken swaps 2010

PRF i got my entry for skowhegan fair in at just the nic of time, he received it this morning.

i am going to be showing the fallowing

2 buff cochin cockerels
4 buff cochin pullets
2 serama hens
1 white faced black spanish pullet
1 mille fleur d'uccle cockerel

Glad you got them in
See you Sunday.
I'm doing a video workshop in Rockport Aug. 23-25 and am interested in doing my project on someone in the area who has backyard chickens. If anyone knows anyone in the area who might be willing to be the subject of a short video project please email me! Thanks!
OK so I'm definitely planning on being at the chickenstock in Augusta this Saturday. Who else is?
I'm thinking about attending the swap at TSC in Augusta on the 14th. How do these things work? Do you have to sign up ahead, or just show up with your birds?
I'm not doing any shows the rest of this year either, especially Skowhegan, to many birds cramed into one little area. And a few of us lost birds after showing there.

Does anyone have Directions to the Augusta TSC?

There will be A Swap at the New WILTON TSC August 28th, 9 to 2 on Rt. 2 in Wilton across from Dexter Lumber.
I think you just show up. No fee for participating, that's what I was told.

If you have a lot of birds to bring, what I would do is if you have a van or something, put them all organized into pet carriers/mesh wire cages, then just set up at the place in the parking lot and open the back van door where all the cages are so your birds can stay out of the sun if it's sunny and hot out and you may even have a small fold-up table set up behind the van to set a few cages on. This is one setup I've seen people do and it looks fairly easy. But only if you have a van or truck, of course!
What other ways do people usually set up?

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